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Last Movie You Saw...

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

As a big Kurosawa fan this is one I've been trying to track down for a long time. I had it in my Netflix queue for easily a few years, with no physical copy ever being listed as available; they must have added it to their Instant list of movies somewhat recently, and when I discovered that I set down pretty much everything else I was doing.

For most who are likely unfamiliar, Kurosawa is considered to be one of the best directors in pretty much ever. His movies are all Japanese, with English subtitles, but if you don't mind reading you can pretty much pick blindly from his catalog and be guaranteed something that's at least 'really good.' That being said, I don't know what this particular movie did in terms of popularity around his neck of the woods, as it's a very artistic film, but I'd believe if someone told me it was green lighted based on his name alone.

As the title says, it is a collection of short stories that capture various potent dreams the director has had over his life. It's hard to really capture in words what you'd have to see and digest to fully appreciate. I can say though that the feeling you get when you're dreaming, how it's kinda real, kinda surreal, how later when you make sense and analyze it it's really awkward yet somehow makes perfect sense, while at the same time making no sense at all...he captures that perfectly, with each story. The subtleties really are amazing.

If you don't mind a foreign movie, and can enjoy an artsy, thinking man's flick, you may enjoy it. It's super weird at times, but that's how dreams are.

One note of warning, though. Though this movie was made two decades ago, one of the dreams paints a very eerie parallel to the recent crisis in Japan.

Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro

Here's another I had in my queue of movies for the longest goddamn time but they never had any copies available. And another one that Netflix added to their Instant section somewhere along the way which I only discovered recently.

To my understanding this is Hayao Miyazaki's first movie, before the formation of Studio Ghibli. I sought it out based on that fact, despite not really understanding the appeal of Lupin from the couple of times I'd caught it late at night on Cartoon Network.

Overall it was an enjoyable movie, if you go in understanding that it's something like thirty years old and the bar wasn't quite set so high back then. Heck, it's even got a charm to it, if you don't mind an anime that is simplistic and extremely campy. After watching it I think I'd be willing to give the other Lupin stuff a second shot, though I still don't feel any particular pull to it.
Hm, last movie I saw was Fast Five, I really enjoyed the movie. : D Of course the order the movies go in, need to be rearranged now but that's ok. Haha. I think it really filled in a few holes and allowed you to put two and two together. Not to mention, I just felt like you could understand the characters a bit better, so I highly enjoyed it and would recommend it if you liked the others. : 3
i'd like to see Bridesmaids. hearing pretty great things about it.

@As_Day_Fades: breaking my heart! Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro is like among my very favorite, and definitely my personal top Miyazaki besides Porco Rosso.

anyway, most recently: Kill The Irishman and Priest. one of those was better than the other.

i also got to finally see Black Death, I Saw The Devil and The Illusionist (the animated feature, not starring Edward Norton). all were just super wonderful.
laplace+maxwell said:
@As_Day_Fades: breaking my heart! Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro is like among my very favorite, and definitely my personal top Miyazaki besides Porco Rosso.

Heh, I guess we're cut from a slightly different cloth then. Porco Rosso was another of my least favorites of Miyazaki's work; though, I stress 'least favorite,' rather than anything resembling an actual dislike. My favorites are Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. (I think Totoro was him? I forget.) And also Grave of the Fireflies, as far as non-Miyazaki Ghibli works.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt.I

Finally, right? Sheesh. This was as amazing as it was sad. Bittersweet, from start to end. Though I've yet to read the books, and thus have less of an emotional connection than many fans, I was wincing during the opening scene.

Jackass 3D

I didn't get to see it in 3D, but Jesus Christ was this hilarious regardless. I do not get people who do not get Jackass. ...A few of the scenes are way disgusting, I'll give you that, but overall it's as brilliant as it is juvenile.
The last movie I watched was my DVD of Blade Runner this afternoon.

Thumbs up on that, I absolutely love it.

The last film I saw at a theater was a midnight viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show with some friends a week ago.

I like that film better when I'm with a bunch of people, it's not as much fun on my own.
the craft. i was positively obsessed with it in middle school and dabbled in faux witchery around that time. it's still a pretty cool movie, although the special effects have not held up well at all.
Howl. I thought it a bit of a strange film, but good enough that I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Allen Ginsberg.
Battle: Los Angeles

The unimaginative title should have been a tip off. Virtually every war/alien invasion cliche that you can think of was utilized in this film, and nearly all the characters wrestled with their self-doubts to the point that I seriously considered turning off the sound just to shut them up. And yet: the special effects and action/combat scenes were awesome enough that the film, overall, was worth watching. Two snaps up.

      • Insidious. Well, watching it right now.

        Contrary to what others said I rather enjoyed it.
        It honestly spooked me a few times.


I use caps because I'm frigging sad and I thought it was a fitting end. =[ Makes me wanna reread all the books.
I rewatched the first Transformers just yesterday to refresh my memory on the series. Next, I'll be watched Revenge of the Fallen, and then I will go and see Dark of the Moon AGAIN. Such great movies.
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