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Last Movie You Saw...

I tried to watch Super Troopers. Can't do it. Other than the opening with the three stoner guys, which was mildly amusing at best, I cannot find the hilarity or entertainment value in the rest of it.
I saw District 9.
Great movie....i think it is the movie of the year.....
Nice sharing....Keep it up....
I've been on a bit of an unofficial movie marathon kick the past week or so. Thankfully, they all turned out to be really good.

The Hurt Locker
I'd heard about this one here and there for awhile, so the name was pretty familiar by the time I sat down to watch it. Pretty soon into things I understood why. If most people were asked to sum Hurt Locker up in one word they'd probably go with 'war,' but my answer would be 'tension.' It's about a group of American military specialists in the Middle East whose task is not combat, but going in and diffusing bombs. There are scenes where this leads to action. There are scenes where the tension itself is thrilling even when nothing comes of it. Overall the movie was fantastic and did a solid job portraying both sides as human. The one main character was a loose cannon to the point where I'm not sure he'd be allowed to stay in the field. But then, given the craziness of his position, I suppose I can believe it.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
I've always been a fan of Heath Ledger. Ever since I saw him in The Patriot I could tell the guy was gonna go far. With his looks he could have easily been the rom-com type, but I'm glad he chose the harder route of playing 'characters' instead. Doctor Parnassus is about a guy with a magical imagination that others can enter, and once inside it's both a fantastic and dangerous experience. The pure imagination of the film itself is art at its finest. As any Terry Gilliam movie goes, Doctor Parnassus is visually stunning from start to end. And smart. And twisting. And interesting. And considering this is the movie Ledger was filming when he died, Gilliam did an excellent job of adjusting things to make up for the unfilmed scenes.

The Other Boleyn Girl
Mmm Natalie Portman. Though she's a bit of a cunt here, so this might be the only movie I've seen her in where I didn't want to bang her. >.> No, that's false. There were times where she was just hot. So, I only wanted to bang her half of the time this time around. The other half I wanted to smack the shit out of her. ...Ahem. As for the movie itself, it's the real story about how the King of England could not receive a healthy male heir from the queen, so through his need for an heir and through blind lust he becomes involved with a pair of sisters that lead to his ruination. The psychology of every character involved here makes perfect sense. The sisters couldn't be more different from each other, yet I see the king's attraction to them both.

Kingdom of Heaven
Orlando Bloom did excellent here, yet you can't deny the presence of Liam Neeson and Jeremy Irons that had the two men stealing every scene they were in. This was a really good picture of the Crusades, or at least one of the Crusades, that highlights the iffy reasoning of it being about religion rather than power and greed, and how the whole war was one big clusterfuck of self-justification. Bloom's character is a man who has committed grave sins and seeks to right himself for the afterlife by doing what good he can over in the holy land. Some are fighting purely for power, some for greed, some for religion; his is more a path of idealism and righteousness. Saladin, the enemy commander, and those under his command were portrayed exceptionally well, not so much as enemies but as enemies by circumstance.

Girl, Interrupted
This is a fantastic movie about a girl's failed suicide attempt leading to a stint in a psychiatric hospital, and all the crazy characters she runs into there. Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie were perfect in their roles, and wow, damn Angelina, do you look different. This movie is interesting enough as a character study alone, with everyone being very three-dimensional. For awhile I stayed away from this one assuming it to just be some chick flick, but it's not at all. There's an interesting psychological journey here that I think everyone can relate to.

Speaking of not recognizing someone, goddamn Charlize Theron. Goddamn. I have a newfound respect for you. It's rare you see someone in Hollywood, especially a female, willing to undergo the de-beautifying transformation that you did for this role, with everything from the fake teeth to the facial make-up to putting on thirty pounds. That Oscar was well-deserved. As for the movie itself, it starts with a hooker in her eleventh hour, about to take her own life when she decides on one last beer for the road first. It's during that drink she makes an unwanted acquaintance that inspires her to put off the suicide without knowing it, just for now, which leads her on a journey of one last attempt to fix her life. This journey becomes a desperate one, and throughout it you're not sure if you're rooting for her or not. Do I feel bad for her? I still don't know. It's a very dark film based on a true story, and between the intelligent writing, spot-on acting and a musical score that you feel as much as you hear, the whole thing is tremendously powerful.

Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
I'm a sucker for anything taken from the Three Kingdoms book, and my instant desire of 'ineedtorentthis' upon seeing it was no exception. I'm not sure if it's great, but it's good, it's solid. The whole story is far too enormous for any one movie to even properly summarize; instead, this film about a historic period in ancient China follows the story of Zhao Zilong (Zhao Yun) from his rise from a peasant to General, and all the way to the end of his story, where he's a seventies-something still fighting on the battlefield long after his friends are all passed on and being treated as legends. The man was really as heroic as it gets. Good casting here, good acting all around. The end could have easily been drawn out with another important scene or two, but they wanted to keep the magnifying glass on Zilong, so I suppose the way it was done makes sense; it was plenty powerful in its own right.
Watching Silent Hill to pass the time. It's the start of my all day Halloweenish marathon....This was my starter for it because I couldn't find my bf's copy of Beetlejuice or Freddy vs Jason... ;.;
Yay Redbox.

Bad Teacher
Spiritual successor to Bad Santa, this one has Cameron Diaz as a terrible teacher whose selfishness and depravity lead to a number of highly funny moments. For some reason it didn't have the same punch to it that Bad Santa did, perhaps because I went into this one with a certain expectation unlike the shock of the first, but it still manages to deliver with several moments that had me going 'holy shit, they went THERE?!' Very funny, Cameron's great in the role, good job by the supporting cast, I'd recommend it, though it felt like it was missing something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

X-Men: First Class
Ever since this movie came out I heard people left and right singing its praises and I finally got to see why. It's fantastic. I think this is the movie that was originally supposed to be Origins: Magneto and was made into a dual film about Magneto and Xavier, whom is refreshingly different from his older, wheelchair-bound self, yet you can certainly see him growing into that person as he becomes older. The acting is excellent by everyone here, McAvoy(Xavier) especially, but really everyone, even the lesser-known characters. Magneto's actor was quite good but I don't remember his name. And then there's The Hellfire Club, which is like...think the mafia, if the mafia was run by mutants. Kevin Bacon w/ Cheese gets a special mention because he blew me the fuck away in this movie. He was perfect, and I had no idea he could be so intimidating.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
Sadface. I will miss you, Harry Potter movies. There's not a whole lot to be said here that, by movie number eight, you don't already expect. Fantastic visuals, music, writing, acting, moments, everything. I wanted to hug everyone. I wanted to hug Snape twice as much. I didn't read the book nor did I catch the movie when it was in theatres, and I avoided as many spoilers as I could outside of 'a lot of people die' so there were a number of nailbiting moments in that respect. Harry's 'dream' had some very powerful, very encouraging lines that I hope J.K. is proud of.
2012 - not bad, in a brainless, overblown effects kind of way. Nobody blows up the world like Roland Emmerich.
Jurassic Park. The amazing thing is that JP's CGI is still more believable than a lot of stuff out there today.
Colombiana. It was alright. Chick had a big nose that once focused on, you couldn't get over it and laughed throughout the entire movie.
The newest Sherlock Holmes:

It was alright. Not a huge brain power movie. I felt like it wasn't as well tied together as the first, but I love Noomi Rapace - so - :)
Kerosine said:
The newest Sherlock Holmes:

It was alright. Not a huge brain power movie. I felt like it wasn't as well tied together as the first, but I love Noomi Rapace - so - :)

You're alright in my book.

Super Troopers.

Shit head, my avatar, wouldn't let me sleep because his brother, my sig, was a dick and wouldn't trade places. They fight, and if they could, to the death. So I had to do something to maintain my sanity before I chucked both either out the window or the deck.
Labyrinth, it was alright, but the way everyone kept talking about it gave me really high expectations and I found it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. I mean it was a good movie and I can see why people hold it in such high regard, I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would.
I now refer you to this as a lesson to all you movie over sellers:
In the theaters:
The Darkest Hour - those aliens that light up anything electrical when they're near, because they're normally unseen besides when they first land or faint flickers when attacked. I scare easy, but love anything that can scare me, or creep me out. Haha.

At home:
Sucker Punch, Captain America, Final Destination 5, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, The Hangover, The Hangover Pt. 2, Due Date, Cop Out.

Pretty cool, the main girls acting was slightly stale but made up for it by having some really brutal fight scenes.
Woman in Black. It was a good scary movie. Although I feel Daniel Radcliffe was a bit miscast, he was incredible eye-candy the entire time. (;
The Goat Rodeo Sessions

This was actually a few weeks ago, and was a one-night-only show, as it wasn't actually a movie -- it was a live concert from Boston that was broadcast to select movie theatres. And it was fantastic. The music itself was a blend of the classical and bluegrass genres. If you can listen to the duet in that second link and not get chills, you may just...I don't know. Not have a pulse, or something?

It was an interesting experience watching a concert in a movie theater. Considering the music's style it worked really well, and I don't know if I've ever had such a potent consciousness that I was watching something truly magnificent as it was happening. I'm hoping there's a DVD/Blu-Ray release of the concert at some point, though I've found no mention of one. The CD's available though, and if those two links do it for you, I just...I cannot enough. This thing is recommended.

Edit: Oh, and before that was The Adventures of Tintin, or whatever the name of it was. Cute family movie. Better than I expected. Stayed pretty solid to what I remember Tintin being growing up.
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