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Last Movie You Saw...

Act of Valor.

Pretty goddamn cool, I think it'd be hard for me to look at any sort of gun fights in movies the same again when you see a replication of how shit really works.
Last movie I recently saw was The Woman in Black and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get the image of Daniel Radcliffe being Harry Potter out of my head. The idea was alright, but I thought where they went with it was horrid. Less and less am I seeing good horror movies come out.
Captain America
With Riff Tracks.

Anybody else think Hugo Weaving is hot with that skull face? Seriously, dude. Fuckin'... fuckin' rape me with that shit. lol
Wrath of the Titans? Whatever the newest one is. It sucked as expected.

But they are always so much fun to make fun of.
I stayed up late last night and Mean Girls was the last thing I saw on TV. It's one of the most frequently quoted movie for my group of friends lol
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