Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Now it was Dean's turn to blush. "Sonce.. Since hell.. Took seeing you with someone else yo finally make me realize.. but... you don't have to reciprocate. Hell, I don't even think you'd want to.."

This was where JJ frowned. He looked Dean straight in the eyes. "no. you stop that, Dean winchester. you deserve it." Was all he said, his dark fae powers telling him everything he needed to know.

Dean stood still in front of them.. "You don't understand, JJ. its not that easy."
Dean rubbed the back of his neck, and JJ smiled a little. "Fair enough angel. lets just take this a step at a time. though.. for the record, it'd probably make things easier if dean were immortal as well..."

Dean almost spit out his beer. "N-Not yet, JJ"
JJ chuckled slightly, before giving Dean and apoligetic look. the other man just rolled his eyes. "Well, Cas, he is Dean winchester. You of all people know he has a penchant for dying. would be easy to make him dark court. that's all i'm saying." He admitted, runnjng a hand through his hair. he took another breath before continuing. "besides, if this really is roreck, we'll need all the fae we can get. Roreck is our strongest fighter, save mama herself."
JJ shook his head. "Not ones that would be permanant. He might pass out for a few hours to let himself change. You angel, on the other hand, you just gain my powers as a result of the bond. Deans would be different. it would be a brother bond." he explained softly, watching the older winchester shuffle a bit. He'd only agree if his brother could become immortal as well. because no matter how much he loved Castiel, he needed Sam.
Castiel nodded, seeming a bit less embarrassed now that the focus was not on him. "Is there anything I can do to help with what you're hunting? Everything in heaven is pretty much running itself at this point."
JJ nodded. "we think its a fae dark court hound. according to this book, houbds only kilk poeple when they have a grudge. roreck is the only one who has one. you could maybe invisibly watch roreck then report back to us?"
JJ sighs softly, running a hand through his hair, muttering softly to himself. He knew the angel was safe from the hound. Even if Castiel had to show himself, the heart bond that he has with JJ would prevent the hound from hurting him. Hounds can't hurt any of the royal family.

Dean clamped a hand on JJ's shoulder, giving him a soft smile. He was fond of the man in a brotherly sort of way. Lets go get our suits on and help Sam with the witnesses." he muttered, JJ just nodding.
Castiel observed the hound and sure enough, when night came and it was no longer needed to protect the queen, it rushed out to the human world, he made sure to keep tracking the hound but as he did he went and told JJ, Dean, and Sam. "He's heading to the human world, currently towards the same state the others were killed in.
JJ made a sound to announce his arrival, and Roreck's head snapped up. "Prince!! What are you doing here?!" he asked, being formal because of his training, not because he didn't know the other and consider him family.

JJ frowned, looking at the fae. "Why are you killing humans? You know mom loves them. she'll be angry." he asked, letting out a sigh. He didn't want to dobthis, but it was apparent now that he was the culprit.

Roreck sighed, running a hand through his silver hair. "Humans are scum. they're terrible hipocrites who killed my family and laughed at me. They deserve to die." he admitted flippantly, and JJ could feel himself become angry.

"Dude, you need to let this go.." Dean replied, frowning. Roreck, who had finally noticed the two humans in the room, lunged for Dean. He grabbed his throAt, squeezing tight. "gonna have to do better than that, dude. I've been to hell." and he kicked the fae off him.
Roreck cowered slightly looking up at the angel. "Of- Of course.. Prince..." He muttered softly, the submissive subjugation of his hound DNA showing, and Castiel's authorative aire making him nervous. Because of the bond, he couldn't hurt the angel, though he looked ready to kill him and then kill his little human pets.

JJ frowned. "You hurt either of these men, and I'll let Cas kill you the bring you back just to kill you again, Roerck. now, you must face judgement. Killing mortals is against the laws and you know it."
The hound cowered under the Dark fae prince's glare. H knew he was in trouble now, as he sensed the queen appearing. JJ only called his mother when he felt he couldn't properly take care of the situation at hand.

Krystal frowned at Roreck. "I expect better of you, Roreck. I'm sorry, but you know the laws. JJ and his friends have clearly pinnedbyou down as the murderer, so I have no choice but to kill you. the laws are absolute." She muttered before punging her silver hilted iron sword into his heart, causing the fae to burst. "go be with them. I know this was your true goal." she finished, frowning.
JJ hugs his mom, kissing her cheek. He knew she was feeling sad for her friend. "I'll be okay, sweetness.." she promised before disappearing again.

Dean cough slightly. "I think i'm okay, cas. just sore." he promised, his voice hoarce from the choking.

JJ walked over, looking at the other man. "He's got a few abraisions from rorecks nails, but there doesn't look like any damage to his windpipe. a quick heal wouldn't hurt, angel." he replied, and his tone showed he was in doctor mode. Wasn't it lucky for them to have doctor on Team free will now.
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