Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Dean nodded, taking another pull from his beer. He stood, not feeling so self concious when it was just JJ around, and pressed a kiss to castiel's lips. "I'll go ask him, Cas." he replied softly, walking away to sam's room. He wondered ifbwhat JJ implied was true but knowing his brother, he wouldn't dare be with her for fear of killing her. He'd fought with that himself with Cas.
JJ sat next to Castiel, pulling him into his lap on the loveseat. He blushed a little, giving the other yet enother kiss. "You were to far away, inima mea." he stated softly, pouting just a bit. Fae are very handsy, and JJ needed the angel close to him to not feel so vulnerable.

Dean knocked on his brother's door, taking a swig of his beer. "come in dean" came a soft reply, and the elder winchester complied. He gave his brother a soft smile.

"JJ wanted to know if you'd prefer to be bound to his mother rather than him. He seems to think that you have a crush on her." Dean asked, watching his brother for a response.

Sam ran a hand through his shaggy hair. "Yes. bind me to Krystal. seems like an aweful lot to strap JJ to all 3 of us." he replied, sighing.
Castiel's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed brightly as he was pulled onto JJ's lap and he looked down shyly. "I-I see..." He said in embarrassment.
JJ gave Castiel a feather light kiss to his lips, smiling at him softly. "We should get ready. The ceremony is in an hour." he muttered though he made no move at all.

Dean walked in just then, followed by a blushing Sam. "he'd rather be bonded to Krystal."
Dean nodded at Castiel. "you're right."

JJ smiled, and a moment later, they were interrupted by a flash of blue light. "so.. you two wanna be fae huh? Cool. I like you." she admitted, handing them each som ritual dress clothes, which kind of looked like a cross between fairtale and army dress blues.
Krystal chuckled softly. "welcome to the family, castiel!" She grinned at him. JJ blushed.

Dean smiled slightly. "I'm gonna go get changed. Sam, you should too." he told his brother, and Krystal just smiled softly at the younger hunter, a question in her eyes.
Castiel blushed madly and looked down a little as he bowed slightly to her. "T-Thank you... I'll be in your care..." He then looked away, his face aflame.

Sam blushed a little as he saw Krystal looking at him and nodded at Dean's words, hurrying off to the bathroom.
Krystal smiled lightly. "No need to bow. Far as I'm concerned you're family. Besides, I don't much like the pomp and circumstance of it all anyway." she explained, smiling still. She smirked a little a Sam ran away and dean came back, all chanfged.

JJ looked at Dean. Fae clothes suited him. Dean looked confused. "this are the comfiest outfit I've ever worn."
JJ chuckled. "of course. its magic."
Castiel nodded and thanked Krystal before smiling a little at the look of Dean in fae clothes. Same came back out as well, looking himself over uncertainly. "I feel like I look stupid..."
Krystal smiled. "of course, Castiel." JJ just grinned, pecking Castiel's cheek.

When Sam came out, Dean grinned in aproval, and Krystal lost her breath a moment. "Nonsence. I think you look very handsome. Like a king." She replied softly, her heels clicking as she walked over to Sam, straightening his coller as her glacial blue orbs looked up into his hazel green ones.
Sam blushed brightly at Krystal's closeness and was left speechless for a moment. "I-I... Uh..." he then blushed more and looked down quickly. "Th-Thanks..."
Krystal smiled softly up at him, patting him his cheek affectionately. "Of course Sam"

Only JJ noticed the instant change in his mother. It made him grin a bit.

Dean made approving faces at his little brother, trying to get him to try. It seemed like he might like the results.
Sam was blushing brightly and glanced at Dean, which only made him blush more as he saw the faces Dean was making and he glanced back at Krystal shyly. "W-Well... we should get going with the ceremony..."
Krystal smiled softly. "well, at least get the prep work done. the ceremony has to be done at the stroke of midnight. Now, which one of you is being bonded to me?" she asked, waving her hand and the ritual was all set up. She needed to be prepared for it to be the older winchester, but she hoped it was Sam.

JJ smiled reassuringly at Sam, also cheering him on to go after his mother. She deserved some happiness. Dean continued making faces, but this time, it came with hand gestures of "tell her, bitch!"
Sam blushed as he saw both JJ and Dean encouraging him and he took a breath. "I-I am..." He stepped closer to Krystal, looking down a little as his face was bright red. "I-I would... very much like to be... bonded to you..."
Dean and JJ kept cheering Sam on. Both men just wanted to see the people they love most aside castiel to be happy together.

Krystal grinned at him. "Well good. I'd very much like to be bound to you too." He replied softly, looking shy a moment before it paseed, instructing the boys to stand in the separate circles. "just so you know, sam? I'm going to have to kiss you."

When the clock struck midnight, Krystal and JJ started chanting the same spell in tandem. "I bind you to me (insert winchester name here), for all of time. to be a fae, and to be mine. I bind you to me, and I make you like me. I am yours to keep." With that, they kissed their respective winchesters. the ceremony is complete.

Dean blushed a little, but kissed back, though his eyes looked apologetically at Castiel.
When Castiel heard the words of the ceremony and saw JJ and Dean kissing he looked away a little. He knew it was HUGELY hypocritical but he didn't like the idea of them being interested in each other...

Sam blushed brightly and his heart skipped as Krystal kissed him and he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back, deepening the kiss slightly as he loved it so much.
JJ pulled away, smiling a little at Dean. "You'll be fae in no time. its quickest when its a heart bond, but we don't have that. you are now essentially my brother, Dean." he explained, and Dean nodded. While he could admit that JJ is a great kisser, the only one he wanted is cas.

Krystal gasped a little in surprise as she was pulled in closer, and she wrapped her arms around Sam's neck, pulling him down further, deepening the kiss, savoring it. She had so little self esteem, she thought she'd loose him the second she broke away. Little did she realize, she'd found her true heart.
Castiel remained silent as he sat to the side of the room.

Sam grunted a little and held the kiss as long as he could, eventually however, he was getting short of breath and he pulled away slowly, taking deep breaths. "U-Um... Thank you..." He mumbled awkwardly.
Dean walked over to Castiel, pulling the angel into his arms. "Hey, something wong?" You couldn't miss the concern in his fanfiction green eyes.

Krystal tilted her head in confusion. "What for, Sam?" she asked, looking worried. Was he just gonna kiss her like that, then just walk away.. was he?
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