Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Castiel blushed a little and continued to look away. "It's nothing..."

Sam blushed and looked down a little. "F-For... uh... bonding with me..." He said, seeming embarrassed and not quite able to portray how he feels.
Dean shook his head. "Bullshit. what's up Cas?" he replied

Krystal smiled softly. "Its no trouble. everybody knows you can't have one winchester without the other. Besides, Maybe I like you. Maybe I like you alot." she replied, smirking a bit, but she blushed. Her eyes showed just how scared she really was. Scared that if she allowed herself to acknowledge the bond, that she'd have to watch someone else she loves so deeply die.
Castiel continued to look away. "I'm just being a hypocrite..."

Sam blinked in surprise and blushed brightly at her words, looking away a little, he was afraid of the same thing, of something like what happened to Jessica happening again. He looked at her briefly and saw the scared look in her eyes as well and he said softly. "I... I know I have no place to say this to a queen but... I like you too..."
Dean looked confused. "About what Cas?"

Krystal smiled shyly at him. "Of course you have a right. weren't you listening? I'm yours to keep. The words are the same, but Dean's bond is differnt from ours.. ours.. is.. more.. permanent than his." she explained softly, not wanting to say it yet. He is her heart.. but.. she was to scared to tell him.
Castiel looked down in shame. "I don't like seeing you two being affectionate with each other..."

Sam blushed as she said she was his and looked confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.
Dean chuckled slightly. "Cas.. man is that all? You heard JJ say it himself. I'm his brother. it was one kiss. I won't ever happen again." He promised firmly, Kissing him to make his point.

Krystal blushed, letting out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. "what I mean is.. that what happened to JJ and Castiel.. happened to us." she didn't want to say it out loud yet.
Castiel blinked in surprise and blushed in the kiss then looked at Dean shyly, nodding softly. "A-Alright..."

Sam blinked in surprise and blushed brightly. "R-Really...?"
Dean broke the kiss, resting their foreheads together while he stroked Castiel's cheek. "Good." JJ was in the kitchen, cooking them all some food. itbwas costomary to eat after the ceremony.

Krystal nodded slowly. "Yes.. you are.. my true mate." She still couldn't bring herself to say this words out loud. Not yet.
Castiel looked down shyly and nodded.

Sam blushed brightly and nodded a little. "I-I see..." He said, standing there for a moment before suddenly kissing her deeply.
Dean smiled at him and stroked his cheek softly, JJ came in and brought them cherry pie.

Krystal nodded shyly, smiling up at him. She had always had a things for tall guys, and Sam was.. Huge. Her eeyes widened as he kissed her deepky, but she didn't hesitate. She kissed him back, fisting her fingers in his hair, and in a second they were in his room.
Castiel looked at him shyly as his cheek was stroked then thanked JJ as he came in with the pie.

Sam grunted as she gripped his hair then blinked in surprise when they were suddenly in his room.
Dean grinned, thanking JJ for the fresh pie. JJ smiled at them, giving Castiel a light kiss.

Krystal blushed. "I wanted a little more privacy. Besides, inima mea, You should get used to the powers anyway. You'll be as trong as i." she explained, smiling softly.
Castiel returned the kiss shyly then he ate the pie quietly.

Sam blinked in surprise as she said that and nodded. "I see..." He said, looking down at himself curiously.
JJ smiled softly, the angel he loved ate his pie, chuckling softly as he to ate a piece, amused with Dean's voracious attack of the dessert. JJ found Dean endearing, and could see why Castiel was so in love with him, but he himself only had eyes for the angel. Before he'd met Castiel, he'd wantedbthen both, but now? it was only Castiel.

Krystal smiled softly. "Yes. as my mate.. it affords you the same powers as I makes you the strongest. You won't change in appearce, only in strength and stamina.You are mine, sam winchester.. and now that you are no longer human.. even if Lucifer and michael escape the cage.. you can no longer be his vessel." she explained softly, placing a braided silver bracelet around his wrist before pulling him down for a kiss. Just a token, something to give him more protection.
Cas ate the food slowly, savoring the flavor and smiled a little as he watched Dean devour his portion.

Sam blinked in surprise as she explained all this then looked at the bracelet curiously before gasping in surprise as he was pulled down for another kiss before groaning a little in desire as he kissed her back.
Dean devoured his pie, looking at JJ hopefully.."there's more, right?" he asked, looking almost childlike.

JJ chuckled."of course. in the kitchen Dean." He replied softly, talking that moment to pull the angel into his arms and onto his lap. "to far away again" he growled posessively, kissing at Castiel's neck and shoulder.

Krystal smirked a little, tracing her freehand down his torso. She broke the kiss, blushing a little. "There's more.. As.. my mate.. by default.. well.. you're kind of.. well.. king." She muttered softly, pushing her two fingers together looking both a little sheepish and worried for his reaction..

Krystal took the hand that wore the bracelet "just a yoken.. warn off any who might try to take you. It is unwise to hurt the mate of a fae.. especially royal ones."
Castiel smiled a little more at how funny Dean was about pie then blinked in surprise and blushed madly as he was pulled into JJ's lap and at his growled words. He trembled and let out a gasp at the kisses, blushing even more.

Sam's eyes widened in shock as she said that. "K-King!?" He asked in shock and stammered. "N-No... I can't be king... I-I'm not fit for that kind of thing I-I..." He looked down at the bracelet and nodded distractedly.
Dean grinned, coming back with another slice of pie. He ate contentedly, savoring every bite despite his voracity.

JJ chuckled lowly, pressing another kiss to Castiel's neck. "You're mine, Castiel. My angel. My mate."

Krystal frowned, looking just slightly hurt. "Well, you don't have to be... " she muttered lowly, stroking his cheek, sensing his worry. She pushed him down onto the nearby bed, straddling him. She kissed him quicklty, and he would feel ger worry for him, and her love. "Whatever you think about yourself, its not true, my heart."
Castiel blushed brightly at JJ's chuckle then shivered and blushed more at the kiss and JJ's words, looking down shyly.

Sam was about to reassure her that it wasn't that he didn't want to but that he just wasn't capable when he gasped and blushed madly as he was suddenly laying back on the bed with her straddling him. He let out a muffled sound of surprise as she kissed him and sensed her worry and love. He looked up at her and smiled sadly. "I'm afraid it is... I'm not meant to lead a kingdom... I mean, I'm Lucifer's vessel for one. That alone should be proof enough that I'll destroy anything I get close to..." He looked down a little in sorrow.
JJ closed his eyes, resting his chin on Castiel's shoulder. He turned his head, kissing his angels cheek as he wrapped his arms around the others torso. He smiled softly, and Castiel would be able to feel his unbridled love through the bond.

Dean smiled at them, going to get more pie. He loved him some pie.

Krystal could feel her heart breaking for him, and she kissed every inch if skin she could reach, entwining their fingers together. They fit just like a puzzle. "Weren't you listening before, My heart? I told you. You are no longer Lucifer's vessel. He can never touch you again. Even if he could, I would dare him to try. you are mine. not his. never his, no matter what he says. you were always meant for me." she soothed, slowly unbuttioning the ceremonial clothes he wore, if only just to kiss fown hi whole body.
Castiel was blushing brightly as he was held like that, so much love, such a strange, new feeling and he watched Dean walk to the kitchen for more pie before he glanced back at JJ shyly.

Sam was surprised and felt his heart swell with love and gratitude at her comforting words and actions and he looked down at her, shivering a little as she kissed more sensitive areas like his neck. "I know but... I've also gotten a lot of people killed... people I loved... or never got to love..." He said, referring to Jessica then his mother.
JJ snuggled Castiel, eyes closed contentedly. He heart sang at being so close to his heart. He pressed a kiss to Castiel's forehead, simply relaxing.

Dean smiled at them too. "such good pie. you're a genius, JJ." he muttered, orgasmic sound coming as he ate another bite. JJ just chuckled.

Krystal stroked his cheek, pecking his lips. "Then merely say the word and I shall give them back, Dearheart. There are.. rules angels have to follow.. that fae and pagens do not.. I could bring back whoever you need me to, My heart." She replied softly, resting there on his chest, kissing a little at his neck again.
Castiel finally managed to let himself relax a bit and he rested his head slightly awkwardly on JJ's shoulder.

Sam's eyes widened in shock and he looked incredibly torn, pulling away a little as he held his head and he muttered. "You... shouldn't have told me that..."
JJ grinned, pressing a kiss to his temple as he rubbed the trench coated angel's shoulder slightly. Dean just happily ate his pie, taking a rare moment to relax.

Krystal looked a little hurt as he pulled away, a soft frown creeping up on her face. She tilted her head, looking decidedly Cas like and said "I do not understand. Why shouldn't I have? I only wish to ease the pain you feel, show you how much you mean to me, sam." her voice was soft now, and he would just how badly she felt for bringing it up. She meant no harm, she just wanted him happy.
Castiel groaned a bit as his super tense shoulders were rubbed even slightly.

Sam gave her a broken smile, he reached over and held her hand. "The dead should stay dead... but knowing that I could have them back... It's painful... because I know I shouldn't."
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