Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Castiel sighed in comfort as he was massaged.

Sam smiled sadly at Krystal and rubbed the back of her hand idly with his thumb. "I know... I appreciate you trying to help..."
JJ smiled, continuingbhis massage. "If you lay down, I can massage all of you. I'm trained, you know." he muttered, wanting to make him feel good.

Krystal snuggles close into him. "Youndid nothing wrong, Inima mea. Don't fret. Love you." She muttered softly, wrappibg her thin arms around his large torso.
JJ snapped his fingers, and the couch became a massage table. "Now, this would be easier without clothes, but if you don't want to disrobe i understand." he told Castiel, smiling lightly at him.

Dean frowned a little, looking jealous that JJ got to touch Castiel. He wanted to touch him too.

Krystal smiled softly, and snuggled into Sam. She felt calmer than she had in milleniums.
JJ smiles, popping a bottle of his favorite Massage oil to him, starting on Castiel's back. He uses all the ticksnhe knows from school, and from being a doctor. He'd get his lover relaxed.

Dean ate his pie, watching quietly. JJ smiled at hom. "Do you need a massage too, Dean? You look as tense as Cas here." he asked the other, and both Cas and dean would be able to tell from his tone that he was aking in a mere friendly concern kind of way.

Dean smiled back. "Maybe later JJ."
Castiel looked up at Dean and blushed a little as he was once again naked before both of them and but he soon groaned in comfort as JJ got started, his head falling into the face hole as he felt his muscles slowly relax.
JJ chuckled softly at Castiel's moan, and Dean discreetly looked the angel over as his friend massaged him. "JJ's right. you do look tense sweetheart." He muttered, having decided he needed another nickname than just "angel" like JJ called him.

Krystal snuggled into Sam, kissing his cheek softly. "Hey, Sam? Can I ask something?"
JJ smiled softly. "don't worry angel, i'll make all the tension leave." Dean just smiled. He was glad to see the angel relaxing. He knew the angel needed it.

Krystal looked up at him, her eyes were sad, worried even. "Am I good enough? I can feel a deep sadness in you at loosing someone... one not related by blood." She looked so vulnerable, almost as if she might be replacing someone.
Castiel nodded distractedly as he groaned and felt himself being turned to a puddle.

Sam's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at her sympathetically, placing a hand on her cheek and stroking it gently with his thumb. "Krystal... she will always hold a place in my heart. I will never forget her or stop loving her. But I can promise you that you are NOT a replacement for her. You are amazing and I'm the one not good enough for you..."
JJ kept on massaging his angel mate, humming softly. He found he sang alot more now that he had a mate. Dean smiled, going to the kitchen to get a beer and put his pie plate in the dishwasher. This was nice for him. to more or less have a home again.

Krystal leaned into Sam's touch, closing her eyes. She let out a soft breath. "I can live with that. You'll tell me about her sometime, won't you?" she asked softly, wanting to know all about this woman, if only because she was important to her heart.
Castiel smiled a little as he heard JJ humming, he liked his voice. He soon was feeling very relaxed.

Sam smiled softly at her and nodded, holding Krystal close. "If you want..."
JJ kept on humming, surprised as Dean befan humming along with him. He gad been humming "stairway to heaven" softly while he gave massages for a long time now. it had just become a habit he'd never broken.

Krystal smiled softly, reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips. "whenever you're ready, i'd love to hear all about her. Sam? Do you still want to be a lawyer?" She had guessed at that from the way he spoke, and some of what Dean had said.
Castiel smiled a little more as he heard the beautiful harmony of Dean and JJ humming. He was soon very much a puddle, his arms dangling off the table a bit and his whole body just relaxed and vulnerable.

Sam blinked in surprise and smiled a little at Krystal at her question. "A part of me does miss those days when I was so close to going to becoming a lawyer. But... I don't think I could be anymore. When you get into this life... there's really no other option after."
JJ kept on humming with Dean, moving from Castiel's back to his legs. He was enjoying helping the angel relax, and by the way that the other was just limply hanging, he was doing well. It was apparent how much the angel had really needed this.

Krystal smiled and nodded softly. "well, if you ever change your mind, I might kinda sorta own Stamford... I helped build it. Yale too. You ever wonder why there's a kobayashi dorm and the cafeteria is in the "James Barnes memorial building?" She asked chuckling a little before she continued. "JJ went to Stamford med."
JJ chuckled softly and kept on rubbing, beginning to rub again. He wanted hus angel to relax as much as pissible, so this was a good sign.

Krystal chuckled softly. "Well, sweetheart, when you live as long as I have, you tend to have done and helped with alot of things." she replied, giving him a kiss. she likes kissing him. It made her feel special in a way she hadn't in centuries.
JJ smiled softly. "He must really need it if he's fallen asleep. You haven't done any time travel lately, right?" He asked softly, Dean shaking his head in response. They hadn't gone back in time since Anna had gone all Glenn Close and tried to kill his parents.

Krystal smiled softly as she kissed him, stroking his cheek gently before pulling away. "Its just us. no need to blush. though I admit its cute." she murmured aofyly, snuggling into him.
Castiel was fast asleep.

Sam only blushed more at the comment and he looked down a little. "It's hard not to get embarrassed when I'm kissing someone so beautiful..."
JJ smiled, continuing his work on Castiel's bare feet. hopefully when his angel woke up he'd feel better.

Now it was Krystal's turn to blush. "that's so sweet, Sam. But.. i'm not all that beautiful." she muttered softly, looking vulnerable.
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