Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Castiel groaned a little in his sleep as his feet were especially tense.

Sam smiled at her and kissed her deeply for a moment. "You're right, you're not beautiful, you're stunning."
JJ smiled softly as he rubbed Castiel's feet, just feeling the tension, and determined to get it out for his angel.

Krystal kissed him back, scooting closer. When he broke the kiss, she blushed. "Thank you, Sam. that's so sweet." she replied softly, looking so vulnerable. No one had called her anything like that since James.
Castiel groaned deeply in his sleep and slowly woke as he felt his feet almost tingling as they started to relax.

Sam smiled softly and stroked her cheek. "It's the truth..."
JJ smiled softly. "You're feeling better right?" JJ asked, Dean just watching curiously as JJ worked the knots out of Castiel's feet.

Krystal blushed. "well, thank you.. Its been centuries since someone said that to me."
JJ smiled, contiuing in working out the knots in Castiel's feet. "That's good, angel. I wanted to make you feel better. You looked so tense."

Krystal smiled and kissed his cheek. "its not your fault my heart. I just hadn't found anyone since JJ's father until you." she replied, snuggling him.
JJ smiled back at him, continuing to rub his angel's feet. He was almost done getting the knots out.

Krystal smiled and sighed contentedly, resting her head on his chest. "Can we.. go on a date? I mean.. since you're not on a case right now?" She asked softly, looking a little curious.
Castiel continued to groan in pleasurable comfort as he felt his whole body tingle.

Sam blinked in surprise and smiled a little. "Sure, where do you want to go?"
JJ kept on rubbing Castiel's feet, making a sound in triumph as the last knot came out. "I win." he mutters to the lasts knot, then instructing Castiel to turn over.

Krystal smirked. "How do you feel about.. anchient rome? Or maybe paris?" she asked, just needing to stretch her powers further than usual, and wanting to impress him.
JJ smiled. "Maybe so, but I wouldn't feel right if didn't do the whole massage" He explained, smiling and humming as he started on Castiel's face and head.

Krystal smiled. "Paris is nice tbis time of year. How about we start there?" she asked, smiling and giving him a kiss.
JJ smiled. "Of course Angel. anything for you." he promised, kissing the top of heis head before continuing.

Krystal chuckled. "only if you want to.. and who knows, maybe we'll find a case there! I'd love to help you hunt. bet you're so sexy with a bun in your hand... thennagain.. you're sexy anyway." she purred, smirking at him.
JJ smiled, continuing his massage, humming softly. Dean taking a pull from a beer.

Krystal smirked, giving him a kiss. "but.. if you want.. I could make you some new guns.. something.. more suited to you., my heart" she replied, smiling at him. Krystal chuckled, Adding. "Besides, its costomary in my court to make your significant other personalized weapons."
Krystal chuckles. "of course I will. I enjoy making weapons. its soothing. Besides, I want to, Sam." She replies softly, smiling at him. She liked the thought of him having one of her custom weapons. It was a little bit.. sexy.

JJ smiled a little. "Mom says that she and Sam are going on a date. They'll probably end up in paris. Mom loves it there." He explains still massaging Castiel. He was almost finished, and when he was he was hoping to talk the angel into having some more fun.

Dean tilted his head "Paris texas?" He asked and JJ just chuckled.

"No Dean. Paris France."
Krystal leaned into his touch. "Of course I insist my heart. Anything for you." she repled softly, pressing abkiss to his palm.

JJ smirked a little. "well, I'm all through angel. how'd you feel about having sex? i mean.. if you want?" His tone was nervous, wondering what the angel would say.

Dean piped up. "I'd love to pleasure you, Cas."
Sam smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you..." he murmured instinctively.

Castiel sighed as he relaxed, thanking JJ for the massage before he blushed brightly and looked at JJ shocked and surprised, blushing even more when Dean said he'd love to as well. He looked down a little in embarrassment before saying. "I-I... suppose we could..."
Krystal smiled softly, snuggling into him. "I love you too, Sam." she muttered back gently, pressing a small kiss to his lips.

JJ and Dean both gronned, and he popped all three of them to JJ's room. When they landed on the bed, JJ kissed Castiel deeply, while Dean began to suck him off.
Sam sighed happily and kissed her back gently.

Castiel blinked in surprise when they were zapped to JJ's room then he gasped softly and blushed brightly when JJ began kissing him and he groaned deeply into the kiss as he was suddenly being sucked off by Dean, his heart already racing.
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