Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam shrugged. "Well, there's not much to tell, I mean, my dad started us in the business since I was six months old, I'm sure you know what started that, basically been a hunter ever since."

Castiel shivered and whimpered softly at the nibble.
Krystal nodded softly. "Yes, I've heard the stories. It must have been so hard living like that. well, If its any consolation.. you don't have to go back if you don't want to. If you do though.. I insist on at least giving you and Dean some real credit cards with money attached. that way.. no more motels." she offered pleadingly, wanting him to at least be more comfortable if he had to hunt.

JJ kept up his nibbling all over Castiel's body, grabbing a bottle of lube. He carefully slicked his finger up, teasing the angel's hole before pressing his middle finger inside.
Sam blinked in surprise and smiled softly, squeezing her hand. "You don't have to do that..."

Castiel whimpered and trembled at the nibbles before he gasped and jerked, tensing up as he tried to pull away. "W-Wait...!" He gasped out with a groan.
Krystal smiled, squeezing his hand back. "I want to though."

JJ pulled his finger out. "Something wrong, angel?" He asked, tilting his head curiously.

Dean was still sucking Castiel off, his hands gently fondling the angels balls as he looked up at tge scene unfolding in front of him.
Sam smiled a little and nodded. "Alright, thank you..."

Castiel was panting and moaning, blushing madly as he gripped the bed sheets tightly from Dean's continued attention. "I-I don't know if... If I can..."
Krystal smiled. "You're welcome, Sam. anything for you." she replied softly, pecking his lips as the food comes.

JJ tilted his head. "If you can what, angel?" He asked, squeezing Castiels hand.

Dean kept on sucking, pinching Castirl's softly as he fondled them.
Sam blushed a little at the kiss and looked down in embarrassment as he began to eat the food.

Castiel was panting and groaning softly. "I-If I can..." He gasped and groaned deeply as he finally came deep in Dean's mouth. "G-Go that far..." He finished in a moan as he arched his back and gripped the bed sheets tightly before he slumped on the bed, panting.
Krystal smiled, taking a sip of her iced tea before she startedbto eat her food as well. She found it so adorable and endearing how he blushed and was nervous around her. It was nothing like James was.

JJ smiled lightly, pressing a kiss to Castiel's lips chastely. "Well then we won't go any further than you want, Angel." He promised softly, nuzzling him.

Dean moaned around Castiel's cock, drinking down all the angel's cum. Somehow it tasted sweeter than he had imagined. He pulled off with a pop, crawling up so he was next to the angel, and claimed his lips, begging for entrancento his mouth. when he got it, the angel would taste himself in dean's mouth.
Sam let out an 'mm' of satisfaction as he tasted he food. "This is great!" He said happily as he ate.

Castiel was panting heavily and blushed madly as Dean swallowed his cum, kissing him back and timidly opening his mouth before he gasped and tried to pull away, whimpering in embarrassment as he tasted his own cum in Dean's mouth.
Krystal chuckled softly. "Didn't I tell you the foods amazing here? The chef always outdoes himself." She replied, taking a sip of her iced tea.

Dean kissed him deeply until he felt him pull away. He blushed softly. "Right.. sorry.." he muttered, feeling guilty for making castiel look so uncomfortable.
Sam smiled brightly. "I'd say so." He said before taking another bite.

Castiel was panting softly and blushing madly, shaking his head a little. "I-It's alright..."
Krystal couldn't help but smile back. He was just so bright and happy, it was contagious. "You know, you're quite adorable when you're happy. Makes me wanna keep that smile on your face for as long as I can." she admitted softly, taking a bite of her steak.

Dean smiled softly, snuggling into castiel's side. the angel was now sandwiched between the two men. JJ kissed Castiel's head. "Lets just relax now."
Sam blushed a little at being called adorable and he chuckled a little. "Well... isn't that what any relationship partner would want?" He said, smiling at her gently.

Castiel slowly caught his breath and looked at JJ. "But... you didn't... feel like that did you?"
Krystal chuckled softly along with him. "Maybe so, But I have a feeling you don't have much to smile about in the life you lead. I vow to change that though. Seeing you smile gives me intense joy, mi amour." She replied with a gentle smile, squeezing his free hand with her own.

JJ smiled softly. "What do you mean, feel like what? Wouldn't want to force you into anything." He muttered gently, absentmindedly drawing small fae symbols on Castiel's bare chest.

Dean smiled as well. "that's right, sweetheart. we don't want to go any further than you are ready for."
Sam blushed a little more as she seemed so dead set on making him smile, it warmed his heart and he nodded softly, smiling gently. "Thank you..."

Castiel took a breath and let it out slow. "Very well..." He murmured and rested his head back, looking up at the two of them and smiling gently before closing his eyes.
Krystal smiled back at him. "Of course Sam. Anything for you, inima mea."

Each man snuggled down into the bed close to Castiel. They each kissed his head. "of course, sweetheart." Dean replied lowly, wrapping an arm around him.
Krystal smiled, contimuing eating as well. It was nice to not be alone. She had missed being close to someone like this.

JJ smiled as Castiel fell asleep. "You should rest too, Dean. let the bond truly set in. Its late anyway. sleep." he explained softly, Dean nodding.

Dean smiled back. "Okay Blue. you get some too" he ordered, much in the way he talks to Sam.
Krystal smiled back at him, hand the waiter the money to pay for their food. She stroked his cheek. "Of course my heart. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Shall we go to the louve next?" She asked, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze.

In the Morning, Dean was up making breakfast. It was the least he could do after JJ had made that magnificent pie for them last night. JJ came in to the kitchen next, rubbing his eyes as he sat down in only his lounge pants. "smells good. thanks." he muttered, popping himself some tea.

Dean smiled back. "Least I could do Blue. You've done so much for sammy and I."
Sam smiled and nodded. "Sure." He said and stood up while holding her hand.

Castiel woke up just as Dean was finishing breakfast and he pulled his clothes back on, his tie a little crooked as he walked into the kitchen. "M-Morning..." He mumbled tiredly.
Krystal smiled, getting up and then getting on her tip toes to kiss him. "you'll have to get on the bike again." she murmurs, taking her helmet from the handle bar of her ducati .

JJ smiled as Castiel camenin and Dean set the food on the table. "plenty of food if you feel like eating, Cas." Dean said with a smile, fixing the man's tie out of habit.
Sam chuckled and nodded, putting on his helmet as he climbed on as well.

Castiel nodded softly. "Thank you." He said and sat down once Dean had adjusted his tie.
Krystal smiled. "I enjoy you riding with me, but if you prefer to have your own, that can be arranged also."she explained before putting her helmet on all the way.

Dean smiled. "You're welcome, Cas." he replied, sitting next to Castiel.

JJ smiled too, taking a sip of his tea. "So, my mom and your brother went on a date.. So, what should we do? Any ideas, angel?" both men looked at him curiously
Sam chuckled. "That's fine, I don't even know how to drive this thing."

Castiel blinked in surprise and he looked down a little, shrugging. "I... don't know, I'm not very well knowledged in the art of courting..."
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