Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal chuckled too. "I can teach you later if you want. Its like riding a bike really, just you have a motor to propel you, not your feet." she explained sagely, smiling at him.

JJ smiled softly. "its fine angel. hmm, how about we have a date of our own? There's a lovely bee sanctuary near here."

Dean rolled his eyes at the suggestion, though he smiled. "Sounds interesting. What do you say, Cas?"
Sam smiled a little and nodded. "Alright, let's go to the louve for now though." He climbed on the back of the bike.

Castiel nodded. "I quite enjoy watching bees work." He said as he ate some food.
Krystal smiled back at him, starting the bike and driving off to the museum.

Dean snapped his fingersvas he thought of an idea. "I know! I'll make us a picnic basket and we canhave a nice picnic in the sancuary!" he offered, and JJ nodded his approoval.

JJ smiled. "I like that idea. what about you, Angel?"
Krystal smiled to herself as she sped off to the museum. She enjoyed the feeling of his arms wrapped around her.

Dean smiled "Its settled then. After breakfast, i'll go about starting the picnic." He replied, glad JJ had thought of the bees. he knew it would make Cas smile.

JJ smiled as well. "sounds good."
Sam really enjoyed the motorcycle rides, it was fast and exhilarating but also helped him forget about his life for a moment.

Castiel nodded and continued to eat before wiping his mouth and standing. "I must go and check on things in heaven, I will be back before we must go." He said before disappearing.
Krystal smiled, soon parking next to the the museum and shutting off the bike. She slipped her helmet off, hair going back to normal without any trouble. that was the good thing about magic helmets. No hat hair.

Dean nodded. "Okay Cas." was all he got out before the angel was gone.

JJ raised an eyebrow "Does he do that alot?" He asked, tilting his head.

Dean just nodded. "Yeah. he does."
Sam removed his helmet as well, his hair as gorgeous as ever and he stepped off the bike, looking up at the building.

Castiel kept to his word and was back within fifteen minutes.
As soon as Sam took his helmet off, Krystal kissed him, Running her hands through his hair slowly. "You're so freaking hot, Sam. like you don't even know." She purred as she pulled away.

Dean was already working on the picnic when Castiel got back. JJ smiled a little at him. "How's heaven doing? any better, inima mea?" He asked, genuinely curious.
Sam gasped a little in surprise of the sudden kiss and blushed a little at her words. "I-I... Uh... thanks...?"

Castiel nodded. "Yes, since Raphael was defeated it has become much calmer up there."
Krystal giggled. "You're to cute all blushing like that. makes me wonder what you'd look like blushing under me." she purred, smirking as she walked away toward the museum.

JJ smiled, giving his cheek a kiss. "that's good."
Sam's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed more, giving her a playful glare as he followed her to the museum.

Castiel blushed a little at the kiss and nodded.
Krystal just smirked back at him, paying for their entrance and taking his hand.

Dean kept working on lunch, humming "Carry on my wayward son to himself. JJ smiled. "got you something." he said, handing castiel a box containing some more comfortable clothes to wear at the bee sanctuary.
Sam rolled his eyes and held her hand as they walked into the louve.

Castiel looked in the box and handed it back. "Thank you, I appreciate the thought but I think I'll stick with my clothes."
Krystal smiled, giving his hand a squeeze as they looked all around the museum.

JJ smiled softly. "you're welcome. I just thought you might want some more comfortable clothes. its pretty warm today." He afmitted, blushing. Dean csme out of the kitchen, basket in hand. He was ready when they are.
Sam smiled and looked around, very interested in all the art.

Castiel nodded and dipped his head in thanks. "I thank you but I think I'll stick with this, it's... kind of my thing."
Krystal smiled softly, squeezing his hand back. "come. I want to show you something." She muttered softly, leading him out to a small gallery room. Inside there are a few paintings, but the one she pulled him to was a painting of a man and woman, WW1 era. "I had this commissioned in 1917 before america joined WW1. it was stolen from my penthouse here in france. I found it here." She explained, and he would see it was a painting of Herself and another man, persumably JJ's father, but what would stick out to him would be the subtle similarities between he and the man in the painting.

JJ smiled. "looks like it." Dean nodded his approval, going tobthe kitchen to pack the cooler with drinks before he forgot.

Dean smiled again. "Okay, now we're ready to go.
Sam blinked in surprise as he saw the painting and he looked it over for a long moment, he nodded and squeezed her shoulder. "He looks like a kind man, you look happy. I'm assuming that's JJ's father?"

Castiel nodded and turned to JJ. "Shall we teleport there?"
Krystal smiled softly. "Yes. He was, and yes that's James, JJ's father. I had this painted from a photograph. JJ was about 200 when it was painted. James.. never knew his son. He was killed in a fae war.. Protecting me." She explained softly, snuggling into him. She took a breath, looking up at him. "You are very much like him.. but.. I think for me.. why I fell for you? was your eyes." she smiled blushing softly.

JJ and Dean nodded softly. "sounds good."
Sam looked at her sadly as she explained her former lover's death then blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Castiel zapped them to the sanctuary and looked around.
krystal smiled softly. "What I mean is that your eyes were what drew me in most. The connection isn't always an instant thing between a fae and ine who isn't immortal. When I looked into your eyes during that ceremony, that was it. I knew that you were the one for me." She explained softly, squeezing his hand.

JJ looked around with a smile. "its beautiful here. what you say about relaxing under that tree? We'll have a good view of the bees." he offered, smiling at Castiel.

Dean nodded slowly. "Perfect play Blue. We can picnic there later too." He said, Walking over and settkng a blanket down for them to sit under the enormous tree.
Sam blushed a little at her words and he smiled softly, kissing her forehead. "I'm glad..." He murmured. "When I first saw you I instantly fell in love with our beauty, then I felt the same connection form when I looked into your eyes during the ceremony."

Castiel nodded and sat under the tree once the blanket was down and observed the bees as they flew around.
Krystal smiled warmly up at him, her free hand going up to stroke his cheek. "You are just the sweetest person ever.. I love you, Sam." she murmured softly, scooting closer to him. She wondered how much it might cost to get this painting back.. it had been a gift to JJ.. she wished to give it bavk.

JJ and Dean sat on either side of Castiel, resting against thr large oak tree. "its nice here." Dean quipped, stealing glances at the angel next to him.
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