Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled softly against her lips and murmured. "I love you..." Before he kissed her a little deeper, just showing how deep his love was.

Castiel remained awake, as he was't tired, and just continued to hold JJ in his arms and run his hand through his hair.
Sam groaned softly at her love bites and sighed happily, running his hands all over her smooth skin.

Castiel blushed a little and nodded. "Alright JJ..." He murmured.
Krystal smiled, snuggling him close. "Can you believe we're married, Sammy?" she asked dreamily, then continued. "I wonder what your father would've thought of me?"

JJ snuggled into him contentedly. "He wants to be close to you. He's already kicking me because he wants out. He wants to see you. Our little Cael.." He murmurred pressing Castiel's hand to his stomach, and a large kick came through. JJ sucked in a breath.
Sam smiled and held her close. "I can hardly believe it..." He murmured then frowned. "I'd rather not think about that..."

Castiel's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed softly at JJ's words before smiling fondly at the kick and shimmying down a bit to kiss the stomach and murmured. "Now ease up there son. You don't want to hurt mommy do you?" He nuzzled JJ's stomach as he held JJ close.
Krystal smiled. "its wonderful, isn't it?" she replied smiljng, before her face fell. "Why is that sweetheat? S'not like i'm a demon."

JJ smiled fondly, running his fingers through his mate's softly spiked hair. "He can't help it, sweetheart. He's strong, like his daddy."
Sam shook his head sadly. "You're not human... that's all it takes..." He mumbled begrudgingly, aimed at his father.

Castiel blushed a little at the indirect compliment and looked up at JJ, smiling softly. "And I'm sure he's handsome like his 'mother'."
Krystal smirked. "Then I would've ressurected Mary and let her put him in his place. I have a feeling he abused you, but I'm pretty sure he beat Dean." She explained, having guessed at the way they looked at things, and the way he moved sometimes.

JJ smiled, leaning down to kiss his mate. "Actually sweetheart? I think he's going to look like you."
Sam blinked in surprise and held her a little tighter. "Don't tell mom ok?"

Castiel blinked in surprise and looked down at JJ's stomach, smiling a little. "Well, he'll have a beautiful soul like yours at least..."
Krystal nodded softly. "I'll talk to him about it. but.. know that Jay will wanna talk to both of you about it. Therapy helps. trust me."

JJ smiled softly, stroking Castiel's cheek softly. "Angel, we talked about this. No need to blush. its just me."
Sam chuckled and nodded. "Yes. All yours." He smiled at her. "Shall we head back to shore?"

Castiel looked at JJ with a soft, concerned smile. "Do you want anything to eat?"
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