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Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss. "Yeah. lets go to shore. I'm hungry."

JJ nodded. " I actually have a craving.. There's this bakery back in the fae world called Celeste's and they make these.. moon pies that I haven'tbhad since I was young. That's what I want. If you have your claiming necklace on, that should get you all i need. One of each flaver, but 5 of the cherry blossom flavor. its my favorite." he explained, looking guilty at having to ask, but he really wanted them.
Sam smiled and swung her around so she was holding onto him and riding on his back as he started swimming, wanting to show off a bit to her.

Castiel nodded as he took in the information and chuckled, kissing JJ's head. "I'll be right back then." He said, smiling as he disappeared and landed in the fae world, looking around he asked a couple people for directions before finding the bakery. He showed them his necklace and said. "JJ asked for one of each flavor of your moon pies, but he wants five of the cherry blossom flavors. Apparently he thinks very highly of them."
Krystal giggled and held onto him as he swam back.

JJ smiled softly. "thanks Cas."

The woman behind the counter smiled at him. "they're just cooling, sir. it will be about fifteen minutes." she explained before she smiled dreamily. "You and the prince must be so happy for her majesty. . I saw the wedding on TV. It's so good to see she's finally found happiness. She and the prince have been alone for centuries."
Sam smiled and walked up on shore with Krystal still on his back and set her down, poofing a towel up to dry her off with.

Castiel smiled and nodded. "Yes, her husband is actually my friend so I am very happy for the both of them." He replied.
Sam smiled as he diligently dried her off before looking at her with a smile. "Yes?"

Castiel thought a moment how to reply. "Well... he is a very strong man, stronger than most, but he is also broken. I believe Krystal helps to hold him together at times. He is a caretaker and loves her dearly. He'd probably kill anyone who so much as made her cry."
She looked curious. "Do you think Castiel really loves my son?" there was worry in her features that said that JJ had been burned alot in his life.

The woman behind the counter sighed dreamily. "I hope I get to be as happy as the queen someday. But you? You're not fae?" She asked, looking confused.
Sam blinked in surprise and smiled at her gently, kissing her forehead reassuringly. "Trust me love. I know Castiel pretty well. And I've never seen the kind of affection he has in his eyes when he looks at your son on his face EVER. He loves JJ very dearly."

Castiel shook his head. "No. I'm an angel of the lord." He said simply.
Sam smiled and nodded, kissing her softly. "You're a good mother Krystal..."

Castiel shrugged. "It's a long story, but I was working with the queen's husband and his brother and met JJ through them."
Sam kissed her lovingly as he went to the kitchen to make them a quick snack.

Castiel blinked in surprise that they had dated and he nodded softly, shrugging. "He said he had a craving..." He said simply, taking the cakes and zapping back to JJ.
Sam smiled and spread some peanut butter on an apple slice and offered it to her.

Castiel smiled and set the platter of moonpies on the nightstand. "Is this everything?" He asked with a hopeful smile, hoping to have made JJ happy.
Krystal smiled back at him and took the apple slice, biting into it with a contented groan.

JJ grinned at him, pulling him in a kiss. "That's all. Now I just want some tea, but I can make that." He murmurred, a blue mug appearing in his hand. "Thanks angel."
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