Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Bobby chuckled. "Of course its alright, Mary."

Krystal smiled, kissing JJ's head. "We'll be back in 3 weeks. No more shifts at the hospital, James. you''ll strain your pregnancy."

JJ whined but nodded.

Krystal looked to sam. "Ready sweetheart?"
Sam chuckled at JJ's disappointment of not working then smiled at Krystal and nodded. "Ready."

Mary smiled at them as they left then stretched. "Well, I'm certainly ready for bed. Shall we go Bobby?"

Castiel looked to Dean and JJ, wondering if they wanted to go home as well.
Krystal gave Sam a kiss and popped them to a huge modern style mansion on an island off the coast of egypt. "Welcome to my private island!"

Bobby nodded, taking her hand. "Yeah. lets go, mary."

JJ yawned. "Lets stay the night in my room here, then go home" He suggested, looking exhausted.
Sam's eyes widened in awe and he smiled. "Wow, this is incredible, is there anything you don't have?" He asked with a chuckle and kissed her.

Mary smiled and nodded and let him pop them back to his home.

Castiel nodded, looking at JJ worriedly as he helped to guide him to the room, as if knowing by instinct where it was, and helping him into bed.
Krystal chuckled. "Well, dear, I have been around 2,000 years. My friend pharoah Atemu and I found this island off the coast of egypt, and i've kept it wver since." She explained, he smile fond but sad. He'd be able to tell she missed him.

Bobby smiled and popped them back to his home. "i'll show you to the guest room."

Dean followed JJ and castiel, JJ popping his pajamas on before he fell into bed, pulling Castiel with him. "Long day..."
Sam looked at her sympathetically and held her close, rubbing her back. "It must have been painful, living so long and watching all the people you come to care about pass... I'm so sorry Krystal..."

Mary smiled and followed him, chuckling at the clutter and the books. "Still as much of a cluttered mind as I remember." She said with a smile. "You're not working yourself too hard are you? I know you have a lot of hunters who rely on you. How's Rufus?"

Castiel blushed a little and nodded, holding JJ comfortingly. "Do you want anything JJ? I could give you a massage if you want..."
Krystam smiled softly but sadly, snuggling him. "You get used to it. Honestly though? it's part of the reason I stopped living around humans. to painful to watch them die."

Bobby blushed. "Yeah.. i guess I am. Rufus is fine. He's an old grouch, as usual."

JJ closed his eyes. "A massage would be great, Cas.. thank you my heart.

Dean just smiled softly. "I'll sleep in the next room. You two relax." he was really only gonna be 20 feet away, as JJ had mutiple bedrooms in his room. it was like a hotel suite.
Sam held her tight and kissed her head softly. "Well don't worry. Now you'll have plenty of people who aren't going to leave you. Me, JJ, Dean, Cas, Mom, Bobby..." He placed a hand on her stomach. "And our babies... We all love you and will never leave you..."

Mary chuckled. "As far as I remember, comparing the two of you? He was the life of the party." She teased with a giggle before walking in as he showed her the guest room. "Thank you Bobby." She said with a smile.

Castiel looked at Dean confused as he said he'd sleep in a separate room but nodded softly and began to rub JJ's feet first.
Krystal smiled happily up at him. "Yeah, I will. I love you, Sammy." She murmured, pulling him in for a very passionate and loving kiss.

Bobby chuckled. "Well, somebody had to be the voice of reason." He smiled at her. "Anytime, Mary."

Dean gave Castiel a long, loving kiss. "Its alright. JJ needs you right now, sweetheart. I'll only be a yell away." he promised, smiling.
Sam smiled and then sighed happily, kissing her back deeply as he held her close.

Mary smiled and then realized something. "I'm gonna need to buy some new clothes..." She said then chuckled, shrugging. "Oh well." She turned and gave him a friendly hug. "Good night." She murmured.

Castiel blushed brightly in the kiss and nodded, returning to massaging JJ's feet.
Krystal smiled, pulling him towards the mansion. "come on. we'll change and go swimming."

Bobby smiled. "JJ said something about making things appear. maybe you could do that for your clothes?" He suggested, hugging her again. "night mary."

JJ let out appreciative moans as Castiel rubbed his feet. Dean just waved at them and went into the next room.
Sam smiled and nodded, following her.

Mary nodded and when he left she tried to snap some clothes on herself and blinked in surprise when she found herself in some comfortable pjs, smiling proudly she went to bed.

Castiel continued to massage JJ till he was all loosey goosey.
Krystal showed him to their bedroom in the mansion, snapling her fingers and she wore a bathing suit with Anti posession symbols on it.

Bobby smiled and popped on his own pajamas before flopping into bed.

JJ sighed hapilly, pulling Castiel in for a lazy kiss. "Thanks Cas."
Sam smirked and while her eyes were closed swam up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, chuckling happily as he lifted her into the air so she'd splash back into the water.

Castiel looked at JJ sympathetically and hugged him close.
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