Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal kissed his cheek happily. "This is fun."

JJ smiled and caught the iced tea. "Thank you." He replied softly, Dean smiling at JJ.

"So, Bobby, I have a question for you." Dean mittered, sipping his beer, watching JJ drink his iced tea slowly.
Sam smiled and nodded. "I agree." He then threw a shell at Krystal's car to get ahead.

Bobby looked at him. "Let me guess, you want me to be the one to marry you and Cas?"
Krystal chuckled softly, just narrowly missing the shell, but it was enough to jut her off course a bit.

Dean Blushed a little. "Yeah, actually. but.. all 3 of us. Myself, Cas and JJ. how'd you know?" he asked looking curious.

JJ sipped is iced tea. "The reason why I can't drink is because I am pregnant. normally it doesnt matter with fae, but he'd half angel, so I am not taking any chances." he answered bobby'd earlier confusion, blushing.
Sam smirked and dashed around her on his motorcycle and headed for the finish line.

Bobby blinked in surprise when the obviously male fae said that he was pregnant before saying. "Sam mentioned you might want me to marry you three, I'm overseeing his and Krystal's marriage as well."
Krystal rolled her eyes and chuckled, finishing second.

JJ chuckled. "Long story, but its just me, normal fae men can't have children. its just.. I have shape shifting powers." He explains, smiling.

Dean smiled. "Well, will you, Bobby?"
Krystal chuckled softly, smiling at him before she smirked. "Yes sammy, you did. You wanna know what your prize is?" She asked, snapping her fingers and she was naked, save a bow around her enlarging stomach. "Me."

Dean grinned. "Great! Oh, Sam said you wanted to ask me about something?"
Sam blinked in surprise and blushed brightly, though he smirked a little and said. "Oh? Is that so..." He then playfully tackled her in her bean bag chair and began nibbling along her neck as he groped her breasts.

Bobby hesitated. "Well... Sam mentioned that he and you might want me to become fae so, y'know, you won't see me die. I just wanted to know... do you want that Dean? Do you want me around forever? Literally?"
Krystal smirked at him. "Yes. that's so" She said simply, giggling as he tackled her. She let out a moan as he started touching her. Her neck and breasts were so sensitive right now. "Oh Sammy.."

Dean thought really hard for a moment. "Bobby, You're my Doptive father, and it would hurt to see you die, and I know it waould destroy sammy to see it, and I don't take death well. so yeah. Go for it." He replied, smiling.
Sam smiled and suckled on her neck softly as he played with her breasts and nipples, making himself naked as well.

Bobby looked like he was touched, struggling against tears he nodded. "Thank you son."
Krystal kissed him back, her loud moan muffled by sam's kiss.

JJ smiled. "Alright, I'll get mom on that, but not right now.. I'd rather not be emotionally scarred if you know what I mean." He replied, chuckling.

Dean made a disgusted face. "Dude, blue, that's my baby brother! Totally didn't need that image." JJ just chuckled.
Sam sighed and asked. "May I?" As he pressed against her.

Castiel continued working on his present but decided to take a break and appeared in Bobby's house, nodding in greeting. "Hello Bobby."
Sam smiled and started to push into her, moaning deeply.

Castiel blushed softly at the kiss and kissed back softly. "I assume things went well with asking Bobby to be our officiator?"
Krystal closed her eyes, pulling him in for a deep kiss. "Mine" She growled, meeting his thrusts.

JJ grinned. "Yeah! He said he would!!"

Dean smiled. "Oh, bobby? Sam set a date October 2nd."

Bobby took a swig of beer. "He must really love her. I've never seen him rush inyo anything like this."
Krystal moaned loudly. "Fuck! Yes! Sammy!" she met his each and every thrust.

JJ snuggled into Castiel's side, while Dean wrapped an arm around him and kissed his head chastely.

"You idjits are adorable." Bobby commented, getting up to get another beer. "You want one, Cas?"
Sam groaned deeply as he pounded into her faster, panting heavily as he peppered her face and neck with kisses as he continued to ram her.

Castiel blushed brightly at Bobby's comment and nodded. "S-Sure..."
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