Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled and settled back against the couch with her in his arms, kissing the top of her head every few minutes.

Castiel blinked in surprise and nodded. "I see."
Krystal grinned. "It'll be cool to see what they come up with. whith a theme like Galactic phoenix and dragon.. its gonna be fun." she replied, giving him a kiss.

JJ and Dean dug in. "Made one for you too cas if you want." Dean said around a mouthful of food, smiling.
Sam smiled and kissed her back softly, chuckling. "It will certainly be interesting."

Castiel blinked in surprise and smiled appreciatively. "Thank you Dean." He said and picked up the burger, taking a bite and sighing happily.
Krystal smiled softly. "Sammy, why do you look so surprised and tense when I tell you I love you?" she asked softly, leaning into him and snuggling close, simply curious.

Dean smiled. "Thanks Cas. glad you liked it"

JJ took a sip of his tea. "So, how about we start wedding plans?"
Krystal gave him a concerned look, snuggling in closer to him, peppering kisses all over his face. "just tell me sammy." She replied, wanting to know before they got married.

JJ smiled. "What would you like for the wedding, Cas? I was thinking we could have a celestial theme. Oh and Dean? Mom's set a date. October 2nd."

Dean looks shocked. "That's only a week away"
Sam sighed and looked down. "I don't feel like I deserve it... I feel like someone amazing as you couldn't possibly love me."

Castiel smiled and nodded. "That sounds nice." He then blinked at the news. "The wedding?"
Krystal looked at him sadly, giving him the lightest of kisses. "Why sweetheart? Why are you so down on yourself?"

JJ smiled too. "I thought so." To his next question, JJ nodded. "Yep! guess she wants to get married before she starts to show to much."
Krystal looked so sad, snuggling into him, peppering his face with kisses. "Tell me all about it. Please.. I hate that you feel so badly about yourself. Te iubesc. I love you."

JJ thought a moment. "I've always been partial to Samhaim"

Dean chuckled. "halloween could be fun. the reception could be a costume ball!"
Sam blushed a little at all his kisses an cupped her face between his hands, looking at her gently. "I don't want to see that sad look on your face..."

Castiel tilted his head and nodded. "Sure."
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