Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Bobby chuckled softly. "You two idjits are adorable."

Krystal tilted her head curiously. "Idjits?" she asked softly, tilting her head in confusion at Sam.

JJ smiled widely. "I love it. oh, we should get this nightlight!" he exclaimed, showing them a star shaped nightlight that gives off little stars.
Sam smiled softly at the peck and rubbed her shoulder with his arm around her. "So Bobby, I have a question for you."

Castiel blushed a little at the kiss and smiled shyly.
Krystal smiled at the rb to the shoulders, relaxing into his touch.

Bobby smiled."Well, spit it out yah idjit!"

JJ smiled, picking out more things for their boy. "So I thought about a name. Cael. Cael Novak Barnes-Winchester. What do you think, Cas?"
Bobby smiled. "Of course. What would make yaj think I wouldn't, yah idjit?"

Krystal just smiled and snuggled Sam, sipping her tea.

JJ grinned. "Well, I picked Cael because its a C name name like yours, Novak for the middle name because of your vessel, and Barnes is my last name, and I hyphened it with Winchester, because Dean is part of this too." He explained, Dean just blushing because he's being included with something so important.
Sam smiled happily then looked at Krystal. "Krystal, I have a request. If it's ok with you and with Bobby, I'd like him to marry us."

Castiel smiled brightly and nodded. "That makes me very happy."
Krystal gave him a kiss. "Of course my love. Anything for you. you know that." She replied, smiling softly.

Bobby smiled softly. "Be an honor, Sam."

JJ smiled back at Castiel. "I'm glad. I just want you to be happy my angel."
Sam smiled happily as he pulled away from the kiss and chuckled happily as he kissed her stomach softly as well.

Castiel thought. "I cannot think of anything else as of this moment."
Sam blushed a little and smiled as he settled back to enjoy his beer.

Castiel nodded and followed them, seeming a little lost as to how to actually buy the stuff so he just stood back and let JJ and Dean handle it.
Krystal smiled softly, relaxing into her fiancee. "So, I think we should do some wedding planning my love." She muttered softly, giving him a kiss.

JJ and Dean paid for everything with JJ's card, smiling at Castiel. "So, what do you want to do now, Cas?"
Krystal grinned, ber idea book appearing in her lap. "Well, we haven't set a date yet. when would you like to get married? I was thinking maybe october, because that way I won't be to fat to fit into my dress." she half joked, rubbing her slightly protruding belly.

JJ and Dean smiled. "Sounds like a good plan, Cas."
Krystal chuckled. "That's only a week away, but I think I can pull it off. I prefer the second though. Even numbers are better." She replied, knowing that he knew about her distaste for odd numbers asde 3, 5, and 7.

JJ popped them to his LA mansion, stuff and all, unlocking the door. "Inthink tge nursery should be across the hall from our room, which is upstairs." He explained, levitating the baby things into the hat room which JJ had previously left empty, hoping to turn it into a nursery once meeting his heart.
Sam blinked in surprise and chuckled. "Alright, the second then." He said as he kissed her forehead.

Castiel nodded in agreement and they began setting things up. "I think since the room is plenty big enough the crib should be in the center.
Krystal smiled softly, kissing his lips. "I'll set to work on the invitations. She smirks a little, remembering a little wiccan ritual she'd learned in another dimension. "Also, I'm gonna need a few drops of your blood dearest. Sounds bad I know, but i have a few reasons. one of them is for a the fae tatoo thing I was telling you about, I intend on getting one myself, and the other.. is a surprise." she explained softly, her eyes showing mischeviousness.

JJ and dean nodded. "I agree Cas. Lets get going on it then."
Sam blinked in surprise and nodded uncertainly, looking at her questioningly. "Alright. I'll get you some when we get home which we should probably get going to start preparing." He smiled at Bobby. "Until I give you the specifics of when the wedding is I want you to pick out something to say as the Justice of the Peace."

Castiel smiled happily as he continued to help put together the nursery.
Krystal smiled and kissed him. "Perfect. Thank you my love. You're gonna love my surprise." She replied, grinning. She hoped it would make him smile, even if it was only a temporary spell.

JJ started with the big stuff, then started decorating, changing the color of the walls to a muted dark blue with a snap.
Sam smiled and nodded, chuckling. "I'm sure I will." He said and wrapped an arm around her, standing up. "Well, we'll see you around Bobby." He then zapped them back to the moon castle. "Figured this would be a good place to get some inspiration and plan."

Castiel managed to figure out how to hook up the little music carousel above the crib and tested it out as he smiled at the little song it played.
Bobby nodded and waved goodbye.

Krystal smiled. "Yeah, it is. I wish we could have the wedding here, But to many of my human friends are coming. I mean, they all know I'm not, but still.." She explained, smiling softly.

JJ smiled at his lover, giving him a kiss. "its perfect."
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