Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled at Bobby but chuckled at all his questions. "Well... it's kinda a long story." He sat down with Krystal beside him and held her hand for Bobby to see that she was special to him and he began explaining. "Well, to make it as short as possible, we were working a case and Castiel was helping, he lead us to get help from Krystal," he gestured to Krystal, "and her son JJ. They're fae. JJ formed a 'heart bond' with Castiel but Dean is Castiel's angel form of a 'soul mate,' which is what the heart connection is for fae. So Dean and JJ decided to both become Castiel's partners, and, so Dean could live as long as the two of them, JJ made a heart connection with Dean so he could become fae. Dean asked if I would do the same and I agreed, knowing that Dean would be torn if I didn't. Turns out, I formed a hear bond with Krystal, she's my soulmate. So now both me and Dean are fae, Dean is having a paired relationship with Castiel with JJ, JJ is pregnant with Castiel's kid, and me and Krystal are together and..." He smiled lovingly at Krystal. "We're also expecting..." He looked at Bobby somewhat nervously, he figured he'd like Krystal but he knew he might be mad that so much happened without his knowledge.

Castiel found Dean as he found the combo and approached him. "What's that?" He asked.
Krystal squeezed Sam's hand and leaned into Sam, kissing the top of his head as she waited for him to finish explaining. She smiled at Bobby. "Pleased to meet you, Bobby. I'm Queen Krystal of the Dark court of fae. Sam has told me much" she explained softly, watching the man scratch his chin.

Bobby took a sip of his beer. "Queen huh? A pleasure to meet you, Ma'am. Boy, As long as yer happy, I'm happy for yah, and it was only a matter a time with Dean and Castiel. But, I'd definitely like to meet this JJ. So you're gonna be a daddy, huh?" He asked, scratching his chin again.

Dean smiled at Castiel. "Oh, its Iron Man and Captain america. Stuffed animals and blankets for the kid, Cas." He explained, setting them in his carriage.
Sam smiled at Krystal's kisses then smiled happily in relief at Bobby's words. "I'm sure Dean will bring them over to meet you soon. And yeah, I'm very excited." He said, holding Krystal with one arm and putting his other hand on her stomach.

Castiel smiled and nodded. "I'm sure toys and clothes will be two of the top things we'd get at any baby shower we'd hold. Want to help me and JJ pick out furniture?"
Krystal smiled softly at him and at Bobby, who just nodded. "Sounds good. So, what exactly is bein' a fae like? Didn't see the Impala pull up. how're you here. Last I heard, you two boys were in farmington." Bobby asked, looking curious. There wasn't much lore on fae. especially dark court.

Dean smiled. "Sure thing Cas. I just wanted to get the kid a present, and I noticed JJ had a Civil war poster in his room." he explained, pecking the angel's cheek chastely.
Sam chuckled. "It's weird for sure. We just teleported here." He replied.

Castiel nodded at his explanation then tilted his head, confused as to what the civil war poster had to do with anything but nodded and continued on to JJ.
Sam nodded. "Yeah, we have lots of powers like that. Apparently we can manipulate time, visit other dimensions, make things appear out of nothing, stuff like that."

Castiel blinked in surprise and nodded. "Oh, I see." He replied and looked at the captain america toy curiously, wondering what the appeal was.
Bobby aas at a loss for words. "Powers like that, Maybe I should be a fae." He chuckled softly.

Krystal smirked. "That could be arranged. could even de age you a bit." She offered, feeling that her heart would be sad having to watch him die, despite his profession.

Dean smiled "When we get back home, I'll show you the movies. They're full of action. you'll like them.
Sam chuckled and smiled brightly. "Yeah, that would be great, you could live forever with us Bobby!" He said excitedly, smiling at the idea, he definitely did not want to see Bobby die, it would crush him.

Castiel smiled a little and nodded. "Alright." He said, catching up with JJ.
Bobby smiled a little. "You really want me around that bad, boy? Forever's a long time." He muttered, sipping his beer. He was happy Sam was so happy.

Krystal smiled. "Well, think about it Bobby. I think you find you'd like it." she admitted, smiling back at him.

Dean followed Castiel. "Good sweetheart."
Sam rolled his eyes at Bobby's caution and replied. "Of course we do Bobby, I'm sure Dean would agree, family is family."

Castiel nodded and they continued their shopping.
Bobby nodded. "I think I wanna ask Dean he he feels about it, but I'm leanin' towards a yes, Sam." he replied, sipoing his beer.

Krystal smiled softly. "Fair enough."

Dean smiled, picking out a black laquer dresser. JJ smiled. "I like it."
Sam smiled brightly and nodded. "Alright." He said as he stood up. "I'm gonna grab a beer." He said, walking to the kitchen.

Castiel smiled and nodded in agreement as they continued shopping.
Krystal gave Sam a kiss before letting him get up, watching as he walked to the Kitchen.

Bobby smiled, sipping his beer. "You two look good together. " He muttered, Krystal blushing in return.

Dean smiled. "What should we pick out next, Cas?"
Sam returned with his beer and sat down after popping it open and taking a swig.

Castiel thought a moment before replying. "Maybe... a chair or two? At least one rocking chair."
Sam blinked at the sudden change in topic. "You mean for the babies?" He looked down at Krystal with a 'huh' kind of look. "No, we haven't really discussed it yet."

Castiel smiled as he saw it. "Perfect."
Krystal blushed a little. "I actually have thought sbout it, Sam. Sebastian Robert for a boy, and Keira Serenity for a girl. Do you have any suggestions, sam?" she asked, tilting her head.

Bobby smiled. "Good names."

Dean smiled and blushed. "I'm glad you like it."
Sam smiled as she already had names picked out. "Well, assuming they'll take my last name. Maybe they could each have a bit of your side in their name? Like... Sebastian Gem Winchester? Gem being played off of your first name 'Krystal.' But Keira's middle name already works for being a part of you." He said with a smile and a kiss to her head.

Castiel smiled and nodded. "Is there anything else you think we need JJ?"
Sam smiled brightly and nodded, settling back and relaxing as he drank his beer.

Castiel smiled and nodded. "Alright." He said heading into the 'room decor section.
Sam blushed a little at all the kisses he was receiving, especially since they were in front of Bobby.

Castiel looked around the section curiously, finding a nice mirror that would go well with the night-time theme of the room.
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