Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam blushed a little and looked down slightly. "Thank you..." He murmured, though didn't seem to believe her about the shining part. "I love you too..."

Castiel sat up and stretched slightly.
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss. "That's all that I ask, Sammy my love."

Dean sipped his coffee. "Sure, but we can't take baby. there isn't enough room. Blue, you got a bigger car?"

JJ nodded. "I have a truck we can use, but the big stuff we can have delivered.
Sam nodded and rested against her, closing his eyes, preparing to wake up so they could get out of his head.

Castiel nodded and got up to get going, smiling excitedly.
Krystal gave him a light kiss, snapping her fingers and he would awake, her still holding him tight as the sun shone through her curtains. "Morning, Mon coer."

JJ and Dean chuckled softly at his enthusiasm. "Where would you both likebto live? New york, Tokyo? maybe.. Los angelas, Miami? That way I can know which of my houses to have the stuff for the baby shipped."

Dean's eyes nearly bugged out of his head "I've never seen Los angelas."
Sam blushed a little as she held him so tight and kissed her head. "Good morning..." He said in his gruff morning voice.

Castiel smiled brightly. "I don't mind, wherever you two would like. I'm just happy to have a family."
Krystal reached up, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Ready to meet the court today?" She asked, smiling at him.

JJ smiled "I'm sure you are my love. Hmm, well, I'm partial to my new york mansion, but I know you'll want to stay close to Sam, Dean, and when mom's here in the mortal realm, she usually stays either in los angelas or tokyo, so, I say we just make both homes ours and stay mostly in LA." he suggested, smiling.

Dean nodded. "sounds good.
Krystal gave him another kiss. "They're going to love you, baby. Don't worry. I love you." she replied, nuzzling him.

JJ and Dean both chuckle at Casyiel's enthusiasm. "Wow Cas. I've never seen you like this. its sweet." Dean muttered, changing his clothes with a snap. He had to admit that was nice.

JJ smiled, changing also. "okay, i'm ready. lets go."
Sam blinked in surprise at the crown and blushed a little, stopping himself from mentioning how he's not worthy of being king.

Castiel smiled happily and followed them into the store.
Sam looked down a little guiltily as he nodded. "Sorry..."

Castiel followed JJ and looked at the cribs, looking at a nice black and light blue one. "How about this?" He asked.
Sam nodded and kissed her back. "Alright..." He took a breath. "You ready to go?"

Castiel smiled happily and nodded, getting one of the boxes that held the pieces to construct and putting it in a cart.
Krystal stroked his cheek softly, taking hisbhand in her free one. "Yeah. lets go. quicker we get this done, quicker we can snuggle in bed together." She replied, smirking and popping them to the castle.

JJ smiled at Castiel, kissing his cheek.
Sam blushed a little and smiled at her, she was so cute when she talked about what she wanted, wanting to snuggle.

Castiel blushed a little but smiled and went to look at eating chairs.
Krystal appeared with him in her throne room. "Roreck! I'm home! I need you to the court! I have an announcement!" she exclaimed, bubbling with energy. She was excited to introduce the love of her life to her court.

JJ picked out a deep cherry wood one. "i like this one."
Krystal smiled, squeezing Sam's hand reassurinly. "If it makes you feel better, You can take me to meet Bobby after this." she muttered, kissing his cheek.

"what else.. hm.. Diapers. butt loads of them" JJ muttered to himself, remembering when he'd prepared for this last time, a sad smile on his face.
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