Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam sighed happily in the kiss and smiled at her. "Alright..." he murmured before pulling her down to lay with him and hug her close.

Castiel waited for them to wake.
Sam smiled. "I love you too... my goddess..." he murmured, kissing her sweetly as they settled down to sleep as he pulled the blankets over them.

JJ blushed a little and smiled at him. "Good morning..."
Sam slept deeply until the next day, having some dreams filled with fear and guilt, remembering Jessica...

Castiel blushed a little. "A-Alright..." He murmured shyly.
Sam shivered a little at the kisses and the pain lessened slightly though his face was still scrunched up slightly as the dreams didn't lessen.

Castiel smiled lovingly and nodded, kissing JJ's stomach gently then kissing him softly.
Sam was crying in the dream and he looked up, startled. "K-Krystal...?" He asked, sitting on the edge of his old college bed where he'd had his head in his hands crying.

Castiel blushed softly and kissed back before smiling softly, glad he could make JJ happy.
Krystal smiled, walking over, pulling himninyo her arms. "Of course. who else would it be?" she asked, yilting her head, looking at him worriedly. She hated seeing him like this.

JJ smiled back, snuggling his angel heart.
Sam sniffled and looked down. "I'm sorry..." he murmured, feeling guilty for being so upset at the memory of Jess when he was with her.

Castiel smiled and held him close, Dean still asleep in his other arm.
Krystal snuggled him, kissing his cheek. "Hey.. hey. Its okay my love. you don't have to apolugize. you probablh didn't get a chance to fully greive." she soothed, rubbing his back.

JJ snuggled close, nuzzling his lover.
Sam cried softly, putting his head in his hands. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." he murmured as he cried, a part of him wishing he could have Jess back, making him feel even more guilty.

Cas sighed contentedly.
Krystal rubbed his back, holding him close and just kissing him senseless. "Would it make you feel better to see her again? I might.. be able to time travel. Its not something I use much, but.. I have alot of energy to dispell anyway.. so.. If you wish it, I can give you that." she promised, smiling softly.

JJ smiled, glad hos lover was content.
Sam choked up at the idea of seeing Jess again but immediately shook his head. "N-No... I couldn't..." He murmured.

Castiel rested and waited for either JJ to get up or for Dean to wake.
Krystal smiled sadly, rubbing his back. "You deserve closure my love. Let me help." She soothed, kissing his head lovingly.

JJ stretched. "So, what do you want to do today, angel? I was thinking about going to get things for the nursery
Sam shook his head. "If I interact with her in the past it will change the present. And if I just see her it'll be too painful..."

Castiel smiled brightly. "That sounds great."
Krystal nodded. "Alright. You know.. I might be able to ask Gabe if we could see her up there.. You know him being the only arch around.. he's kind of king around there. That way no timeline disturbance." she explains, just wanting to help him.

JJ grins. "Okay, that's what we'll do then!"
Sam hesitated but nodded. "I'll think about it..." He said with a sigh and leaning into him. "You're too good for me..."

Castiel smiled and looked over at Dean, surprised he was still asleep.
Krystal smiled first. "Good." She said, then she kissed him, looking slightly annoyed. "No. stop saying that. It irks me. You are worth so much more than you think."

Dean yawned, waking up. "Man blue, thats a comfortable bed. way better than anything I'm used to." He muttered, stretching. That explained why he was sleeping so long.
Sam blinked in surprise when Krystal seemed to get a little mad at him for saying that. "S-Sorry I just... you're so amazing and I'm just..."

Cas smiled softly as Dean woke. "Good morning Dean."
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