Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled as he watched the fireworks with her then he blinked in surprise as she gave him a box and his eyes widened when he opened it, his face turning slightly pink as his heart melted. "Ohh.... Krystal..." He murmured, sliding the larger one onto his right ring finger before kissing her deeply. "I love you..." He murmured.

Castiel blushed brightly and nodded shyly, kissing him back softly before following him.
Krystal kissed him back, slipping the smaller ring onto her own right ring finger. "I love you too, Sammy. Eternally."

JJ smiled, taking his boys hands, and popping to the throne room of his mother's castle. Their butler smiled atnhim "Call the court, Roreck. I have an announcement. I've found my heart." He ordered softly, leaning into castiel.
Sam smiled and held her close, kissing her hair and face as they watched the fireworks.

Roreck's eyes widened and he smiled brightly in joy. "That is wonderful to hear Master JJ." He then disappeared to call the court.
Krystal snuggled him, giving him a light kiss. "Tomorrow, you'll meet our court." she muttered, smiling as she watched the fireworks.

JJ smiled. "Yes. It reallynis Roreck. Castiel is my everything." He replied, snuggling the angel.
Sam smiled softly and nodded. "Good, I want everyone to know you're mine..."

Roreck smiled then returned a moment later. "The court will be ready in the meeting room in two minutes Master." He said and smiled at Castiel, like Castiel had done him a huge favor. Castiel blushed a little as he continued to cling to JJ somewhat protectively, feeling protective over his now pregnant partner.
Krystal smiled softly. "I'm so glad you feel that way. I think that Roreck will like you. He's a sweet guy. My butler." She explained, giving him a kiss.

JJ smiled. "Thank you roreck. That is quite helpful." he replied, giving castiel a kiss, and snuggling into him.
Krystal smiles, snuggling as they watch the fireworks.

JJ holds Castiel's hand, walking into the conference room with him. "Gentlemen and ladies, I have an announcement to make. I have found my heart. Everyone, this is the Angel Castiel." He annuncuated regally, smiling as he leaned into his fiancee.
Sam smiled and held her close, incredibly happy.

Castiel blushed a little at the announcement and the applause that followed it, everyone approaching them to wish them happiness.
Krystal snuggled Sam closely, content to be with him. She finally had the other piece of her soul after 2,000 long years.

JJ smiled softly. "Thank you all for your kind words. I think you will find that there will be more good news coming soon." he mumured a little cruptocally, snuggling Castiel.
Sam sighed and kissed her happily as the fireworks finally went off and they were let off the ferris wheel. "You ready to go home love?" He asked.

Castiel blushed and sorta snuggled JJ while holding Dean's hand as well, wanting to be touching both his hearts at the moment, feeling a little needy.
Krystal smiled softly, giving him a light kiss. "Yeah. Lets stay here the night. At my tokyo penthouse." She replied softly, walking over to a drink vender and getting them some waters.

JJ smiled softly. "Lets go to my room. You look like you could use some cuddles my love." he said, leading them out and to his large bedroom, which Dean noticed held alot of signed led zeplin posters. "yeah Dean, you can have one." Dean's eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas at that.
Sam chuckled and nodded, not surprised anymore by the things she has and sipped at the water she bought him.

Castiel blushed a little as JJ noticed and nodded, following him to the bedroom and smiling at the look on Dean's face.
Krystal popped them to her penthouse, giving him a kiss. "Welcome home. Like I said mon coer, what's minenis yours."

JJ gave Castiel a kiss, smiling at him as he snapped on some more comfortable clothes. "If there's one thing I hate about being with the court? Its having to wear those stuffy clothes." he muttered, sighing as he laid down on the impossibly comfortable bed, beckoning the boys to lay down with him.
Sam smiled and kissed her deeply. "So these luscious lips are mine too?" He asked teasingly as he kissed along her neck.

Castiel nodded sympathetically to JJ but didn't think to change out of his usual clothes as he crawled into bed beside JJ, resting a gentle hand protectively on his stomach.
Krystal kissed him back just as deeply, letting out a soft moan at the kisses to the neck. "Of course. always."

JJ smiled and snuggled into Castiel, Dean changing clothes before snuggling the angel's other side, crushing him between them.
Sam smiled and nibbled on her ear. "Wonderful..." He murmured as he nibbled down her neck to her shoulder. "Is it safe if I pleasure you...?" he asked.

Castiel blushed a little as he was held by both men and sighed happily, his heart feeling warm and full of love as he murmured. "I love you three..."
Krystal gives him a deep kiss. "Of course it won't. We could have full on sex and it wouldn't matter. they're protected." She promised, smiling at him.

JJ smiled, nuzzling his fiancee. We love you too, Cas. I can already hear him in my head. He likes the sound of your voice." he replies, smiling softly
Sam smiled happily and kissed her long and deep. "Good." He murmured then suddenly picked her up, gently tossing her on the bed before he climbed over her and kissing along her neck intimately as he snapped his fingers and she was naked.

Castiel smiled happily at the compliment from his unborn child. He kissed JJ's stomach and murmured. "Thank you, I can't wait to hear your voice..."
Krystal giggled as she was thrown on the bed. "Sammy!" she squeaked, letting out a moan at the kisses to her neck as he was on top of her. "Heh. sombody's eager." she teased, referring to her nakedness.

JJ smiled softly, carding a hand through Castiel's hair. "Well, if you tune into my thoughts, which I give you permission to, you could probably hear him my love."
Sam smirked and nibbled along her collarbone. "I can't help it. Not when my fiance is so beautiful and irresistibly soft." His hands went up to squeeze her breasts as if to make a point. "You don't mind do you...?" He asked gently, looking into her eyes, honestly worried she minded.

Castiel smiled and shook his head. "You can keep your privacy. I don't mind waiting..." He murmured and snuggled into him while he held Dean's arms tightly around him.
Krystal smiled at him, blushing softly. "of course not, why would I mind? I love spending time like that with you." She promised, kissing him deeply.

JJ chuckled softly. "I can make it so you can hear him without hearing my thoughts you know." he promised, smiling. Dean just kept holding on tighter to Castiel.
Sam groaned and kissed her back deeply before smirking. "Good..." he murmured then kissed down her body and began sucking her nipple.

Castiel smiled softly. "It's alright. I like surprises." He murmured.
Sam smirked and suckled on her nipple adoringly before doing the same with the other one as he ran his hands over her soft, smooth skinned body.

Castiel nodded and rested his head on JJ's shoulder as he rubbed Dean's arms gently with his hand.
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