Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam chuckled and replied. "How about the swings?" He asked, gesturing to the swings that spun around in the air in a giant circle.

Castiel nodded. "I suppose that makes sense."
Sam chuckled and kissed her back with a smile, seeming to finally relax almost fully for once in his life as he hurried with her to the swings, showing his more childish side in all the fun.

Castiel looked between them, smiling a little before suddenly saying. "I love you guys..." out of the blue.
Krystal grinned, snuggling him as they walked over to the swings, greatful that Sam seemed to be letting loose. From the stories she'd heard of the winchesters, he really needed it.

Both JJ and Dean stopped a moment, but they grinned. JJ spoke. "We love you too, Cas."
Sam smiled and sat in the seat behind her's and strapped himself in.

Castiel smiled, a bit of pink on his cheeks, but this time, instead of being embarrassed, it was because he was happy.
Krystal strapped herself in as well, waiting excitedly for the ride. She'd loved the swings ever since they were invented.

Dean and JJ smiled back at him, sensing the change. They were both glad the angel was getting more comfortable.
Sam smiled and squeezed her shoulder lovingly before the ride started then smiled as he saw her joy as the ride began.

Castiel looked to Dean and smiled. "Is the food good?"
Sam smiled, admiring his beautiful fiance and her beautiful spirit. So happy that they would be having a child soon.

Castiel shrugged and nodded. "Sure." He said, scooting over and reaching for the fork.
Sam smiled and got off the ride and walked with her down the bustling 'streets' of the park. "Your pick. What next?" He asked.

Castiel took it and chewed on it, blushing still as he pulled away and swallowed. "I-It's good..."
Sam chuckled and shook his head. "none here." He said and wrapped an arm around her lovingly as they walked over to a place that sold fried dough. "Do you want to share one or do you think you can eat a whole one yourself?" He asked with a smile.

Castiel still blushed a bit and glanced up at them shyly.
Sam chuckled and nodded, pulling out his wallet. "Two dough boys please." He told the man. "6 dollars please." The man replied.

Castiel blushes softly and smiles shyly.
Sam paid for the dough then after a moment they were each given a fried dough. Sam loaded his up with sugar and cinnamon, figuring he could have a cheat day today.

Castiel blushed more as he looked between them shyly. "I-I... Uh... T-Thanks...?"
Krystal loaded hers with just powdered sugar, taking a bite almost as soon it was cooled enoughbto touch. She made an orgasmic face. "Oh fuck that's good. It hits the spot"

Dean chuckled softly, but JJ spoke. "You're welcome angel.
Sam chuckled as he sat down with her at a bench and took a bite from his a moment later. "Mm. Sure is."

Castiel continued to look down shyly as he fidgeted shyly.
Krystal smiled. "You know what one of the perks of being a fae is? You can eat as badly as your brother and never get fat, or suffer ill effects." She explained, chewing on her fried dough happily.

JJ and Dean simply smiled and gave him cuddles, until JJ suddenly felt sick, running to the bathroom. He knew he didn't have the flu, so he grabbed a few pregnancy tests from the cabinet. He took them all. They all said the same thing... Pregnant. He comes out, test behind his back. "Uh, angel... I have something to tell you...."
Sam blinked in surprise and smiled brightly. "Seriously? That's awesome." He said, digging in happily.

Castiel watched JJ run away holding his mouth and stood worriedly, waiting outside the door of the bathroom. When JJ came out he put a hand on JJ's forehead and looked at him worriedly. "Are you alright?" He asked in concern, concern for his lover.
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