Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled and kissed her back softly, following her. "So, was this ride inspired by anyone?" He asked with a chuckle and a wink.

Castiel smiled softly. "Yes... quite the view..."
Krystal chuckled a little and blushed. "Actually yes, By you. Not to sound like a creeper... but Sometimes JJ and I would watch you and Dean from this mirror I have in my Castle. I wanted to wring those archangel's necks. JJ wasn't to happy with Gabe for torturing you two like he did. though.. the herpes commercial was pretty funny. When I first saw you.. I just.. couldn't keep my eyes off you." she admitted softly, climbing into the roller coaster seat and motioning for him to sit next to her.

Dean blushed a little as he pulled Castiel closerbto him, looking out at the view. He could scarcely believe he was really here on the moon. "Hey blue, how come the astronauts didn't find this place when they came to the moon"

JJ smiled. "Its glamoured. all they would've found is moon rocks."
Sam blinked in surprise and blushed a little when she said she couldn't keep her eyes off of him. He then smiled and sat in the seat beside her.

Castiel blushed a little as he was held close by Dean but continued to look out at the galaxies.
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss as the ride starts. "Use the toy gun to shoot the ghosts."

Dean smiled, resting his head on Castiel's shoulder as they looked out inyo the expance of the galaxy. "Never thought I'd ever see this..."
Sam blinked in surprise and looked down, pulling the toy gun out of it's holster that was attached by a string to the ride and aimed as the ghosts kept popping up, getting almost every single one to disappear with the 'rock salt.'

Castiel smiled softly and nodded. "It is beautiful, helps remind us of how small the earth really is in the expanse of things."
Krystal smiled, hitting a few of the ghosts herself, but certainly not as many as he. She was never a very good shot because she'd always preferred swords to guns.

Dean smiled. "You're right Cas, it really does.This is so amazing." JJ simply smiled, pleased that his lover and his friend were enjoying themselves.
Krystal smiled back at him, giving him a kiss as she stood. With the heels she wore, she was as tall as he, though normally the fae queen would be 4 inches shorter.

Dean snuggled Castiel inbthe manliest way he could, despite there being only them there. He sighed contentedly, Kissing the angel's cheek. JJ had gone off to his room to get something for Dean and Cas.
Krystal smiled back at him, leading him to the fun house. "no clowns, promise" she muttered, kissing his cheek as she pulled him toward the large house.

JJ skipped back out, pressing a kiss to Castiel's lips. "Present tiiime!!" He exclaimed, Handing them each a box. Inside Dean's, there would be two new custom pistols, a few exclusive never released led zepplin tapes, and a dragon neclace. a claiming necklace. He was sure Dean would be aware of what it was. Inside Castiels, he would find twin swords, ones similar to an archangels. They could kill anything, and also channel Cas's Fae powers.
Sam blushed a little and looked to the side, embarrassed as she reassured him there were no clowns and followed her inside.

Castiel blinked in surprise and blushed at the sudden kiss then his eyes widened in surprise as he was given the present. He opened it, his eyes widening in awe at the well crafted swords, sensing the power they held. "J-JJ... Y-You didn't have to..."
Krystal smiled at him, giving him a kiss. "I just know how you hate them."

JJ chuckled, smiling at his fiancee. "Of cource I did. besides, its costomary for fae to make their hearts costomized weapons. I made Dean's pistols and your swords. Gabe let me have a couple of his feathers to add to the moon metal I used to make them. same with your pistols, dean. they're more powerful than the colt." He explained, beaming. He was quite proud of his handiwork.

Dean's eyes widened at the twin silver looking pistols. "amazing.. JJ. thank you. "
Sam was still blushing a little in embarrassment but smiled. "Thank you love."

Castiel blushed a little and smiled, admiring them before hiding them under his trench coat.
Krystal followed him into the fun house, chuckling atbthe hall of mirrors. "Look sammy, that one makes you short!"

JJ grinned at him, giving him a kiss. "You're welcome again, Cas. I'm so glad! You want to try them out? I kind of wanna see you in action, Cas" He replied softly, blushing a bit.

Dean smirked. "I'd like to test mine out, Blue."
Krystal snuggled him as he looked inyo the mirror, giving him a kiss. "Shall we move on to the next room?"she asked, smiling.

Dean and JJ smiled, and JJ lead them throug the castle and to the Dojo and shooying range. "here we are."
Sam smiled and nodded. "We shall." He said and kept an arm around her as they walked into the next one.

Castiel nodded. "I see. Is there someone I can spar with or is there a dummy to attack?"
Krystal smiled, leading him into a room where the floors move. She giggles a little and she pussy foots around as the floor wobbling upsetting her usually graceful balance.

JJ Smiled. "We have attack dummies. Get into the ring. I'll turn the spell on." He explained, pointing to the dummy in the cormer of the ring.
Sam chuckled and had better balance, holding her around the waist and guiding her through the different moving floors.

Castiel nodded and got in the ring, pulling out the blades.
Krystal chuckled slightly, giving him a kiss. "you do this often, sammy?" she asked, simply having fun with him.

JJ smiled, snapping his fingers and the sand filled rag doll like dummy came to life, waiting at the ready to be attacked by whoever was in the ring with it, holding a smallish sword in defence. The spell adapted to the weapons or type of combat the agressor chose to use. Dean and JJ sat at the sidelines, content to watch.
Sam chuckled. "Let's just say hunting makes you extra steady-footed." He said with a smile at her as they walked into the next room.

Castiel nodded and then began his attack, spinning with quick, agile movements as he attacked the dummy, slashing into it and stabbing it in wannabe vital areas.
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