Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal chuckled. "Dually noted. Would you be opposed if I hunted with you? I'd like that." she muttered, giving him a kiss as they walked into another hall of mirrors.

JJ and Dean watched intently, curious. "Dk they work well , angel?" JJ asked, watching him.
Sam's face grew concerned. "I know you're fully capable of protecting yourself but..." He kissed her head gently as he looked at her in the mirror. "I don't want to put you in danger..."

Castiel slashed across the dummy's throat and the head came toppling off. "Yes. Quite well." He said with a soft smile.
Krystal smiled at him. "I understand.. but.. its just its gonna be hard watching you leave with your brother on cases.. Even if fae are pretty well indestructible, I'll still worry about you." She explained softly, turning his head to give him a kiss on the lips.

JJ beamed excitedly. "Brilliant! I'm glad they work well for you. They can also channel your fae magic too.. Cause.. when you bacame my heart, You gained the powers of my court as well.." He explained, blushing slightly. Dean just squeesed his shoulder in reassurment.
Sam kissed her back softly then thought a moment before nodding. "Ok, but on one condition." He rubbed her cheek gently with the hand that wasn't around her waist. "When we're hunting, I call the shots. If I say run, you run, if I say hide, you hide, if I say stay in the car? What do you do?"

Castiel nodded, already knowing that is what happens when a fae's heart is not fae. He then channeled the energy and used it to disintegrate the dummy with one stab.
Krystal smiled a little. "I stay in the car and complain to JJ because Dean and Castiel probably made him stay in the car too?" She replied, making slight light to the situation. Sam wasn't really giving her enough credit, but she let it slide for the time being.

JJ grinned, and dean stood in awe. "That was freakin awesome, cas!!" dean exclaimed, Grinning. now he was excited. "Lets try mine now!" The hunter was vibrating with the energy of a kid at christmas over the prospect of his new pistols doing cool things.
Sam smiled and chuckled softly and nodded. "That's right." He said, kissing her hair. "I don't mean to belittle you. I just love you too much..."

Castiel chuckled softly at Dean and nodded, putting the blades back under his trench coat and following them.
Krystal smiled, stroking his cheek a bit before kissing him. "I know my heart. Don't worry about it." She replied softly, pulling himninto the next room which had hundreds of different staircases.

Dean grinned as JJ lead him to the shooting range, handing them all ear muffs "Your hearing is sharper now. the sound could damage them." He explained, watching as Dean put them on and shot a few bullets which exploded on impact, then shot green fire. "Wicked.."
Sam thought a moment then, using his new heightened senses, he determined which staircase had fresh air flowing down it and went up that one.

Cas smiled softly, fondly at Dean's excitement.
Krystal followed him with a smile, giving him a kiss and they got to the top. "Its your turn to pick a ride my heart."

Dean grinned, hugging JJ in a brotherly yet excited way. "Thank you so much, JJ. these are awesome!"

JJ chuckled. "Its no trouble Dean. Like my mother, I enjoy making weapons. I find it soothing."
Sam smiled and kissed her back softly then looked around in thought. "How about the zipper?" He asked, pointing to it.

Castiel smiled as he saw the two of them, silently letting Dean enjoy his new toys.
The ride stopped flipping the people in the carts as they moved around the spinning long part and began unloading people from each cart, finally it was there turn to get on it and Sam offered to help her climb in.

Castiel looked to JJ questioningly. He didn't need to eat but if JJ and Dean wanted to eat he would tag along.
Sam smiled and climbed in after her, the top of his head brushing the top of the small cage and his knees touching the hand rails they were supposed to hold onto.

Castiel nodded and followed them.
Krystal clung to him. She was a little scared. She loved roller coasters, but motion like this makes her aprehensive and sick.

Dean and JJ walked back to the living room, Dean grabbing himself a bunch of food and eating happily.
Sam smiled and held one arm protectively around her as the ride started, he held onto the hand bar with one hand and Krystal with the other.

Castiel smiled and sat down, seeming very quiet, even for him.
Sam smiled as they were flipped over and over, laughing softly.

Castiel blinked and shrugged. "Just trying to remember what it was like when I didn't 'feel' anything."
The ride ended and after a few moves to let the people ahead of them out of their carts, they were let off and Sam helped Krystal out. "Was it fun?" he asked with a bright smile.

Castiel shook his head. "I'm very glad that Dean and you have introduced me to so many new feelings, even the painful ones. I just can't seem to recall how I got by without them."
Krystal beamed at him. "yeah, it really was! so, what do you want to ride next?" she asked, looking curious and excited.

JJ then smiled at his response. "I suppose its a matter of "You don't know what your missing" Like you didn't feel before, so you didn't know you wanted to." he theorised, sipping his tea.
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