Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled at her and squeezed her hand back before watching the man make the sushi curiously.

Castiel was still blushing and he slowly climbed into bed with JJ.
Krystal smiled softly, wsipping her tea as she watched her fiancée and the chef in curiosity. Sambwasvso cute when he is concentrating.

JJ smiled, holding Castiel gently as Dean came out of the steamy shower in just a towel, another towel in his hand drying his hair
Sam watched as the chef finished rolling the sushi and served it to them, thanking him.

Castiel blushed softly as he was held then looked up and smiled shyly at Dean.
The Chef smiled back at him and went yo the next table. Krystal smiled. "So, ready to try some good sushi?" ahe asked, smirking.

JJ smiled, kissing Castiel's head softly. Dean got his plaid lounge pants on, and slid in on castiel's other side, kissing his cheek. life was good.
Sam smiled and nodded. "Sure." He said, picking up a piece with his hands.

Castiel blushed as he was held and kissed so lovingly by both and closed his eyes to sleep.
Krystal smiled, squeezing his hand and he could now use chopsticks. She took another sushi, smiling at him again as she ate it.

When Castiel would awaken, he would smell that JJ was already up cooking breakfast. He was making his mother's specialty, Blueberry white chocolate waffles.
Sam blinked in surprise and picked up the sushi with the chopsticks and ate it, smiling. "Mm, that's good."

Castiel blinked and smiled a little at the smell before looking over to see if Dean was still asleep.
Krystal smiled at him and ate the sushi, feeding him one in kind. "I'm so glad to have you, sammy. you complete me, and I don't feel alone anymore."

Dean smiledat Castiel. "Shall we ho get some breakfast then?" he asked, simply relaxing next to the angel.
Krystal smiled. "I'm so glad, Sammy. I'd be lost without you." she replied, eating another piece of sushi.

Dean smiled. "Cas, we're just staying here for now. just put on some of your lounge pants." he suggested, giving him another kiss.
Krystal smiled at the kiss and kept eating her sushi, gazing lovingly up at Sam.

Dean chuckled. "Not anymore they aren't" he replied, handing the angel a box containing some sweats and the like for the angel to wear at the mansion.
Sam glanced over at her and smiled lovingly back.

Castiel blinked in surprise and nodded softly, pulling on a pair of boxers as well as the sweatpants and a tshirt, feeling very odd in the new clothes.
Krystal squeezed his hand and ate some more sushi.

Dean smiled. "That's better. Trust me Cas. You'll be so much more comfortable in that then your usual clothes. Even angels have a right to be comfortable." he explained, throwing on one of the vintage Led zepplin tshirts JJ gave him. Apparently he had been friends with the singer.
Krystal finished as well, going up to the hostess to pay their check, but not before giving her fiancee a passionate and loving kiss.

Dean smiled, following Castiel out to the kitchen where he saw JJ cooking. He smiled. "Morning blue. thanks for cooking."

JJ smiled. "morning Dee. you're welcome. there's breakfast pie on the table for you."
Sam blushed brightly at the deep kiss in front of anyone around them and watched her go, blushing a little as he stood slowly and grabbed her jacket as well as his.

Castiel nodded in agreement with Dean's thank you and he went to sit down at the table.
Krystal smiled and paid, walking back over to him, taking his free hand. "ready to go explore Tokyo?" She asked, grinning.

JJ smiled, finishing his cooking and sbapping his fingers to put it all in place and clean. "Morning, angel" He muttered with a smile, giving him a light kiss before sitting down next to dean who was already munching on pie.
Sam smiled and nodded. "Sure thing." He said as he kissed her cheek.

Castiel nodded and kissed him back softly before sitting down in the seat Next to JJ and beginning to eat.
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