Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled softly at her, kissing her back gently before sighing and nodding, listing off the millions of reasons he hated himself. The top being that he started the apocalypse, everyone he loved ended up dying, psychological torture from being in hell, but also smaller things like his dad never accepting him, the way he was uptight all the time and came off as a know it all, the way he couldn't help his brother when he was dying inside and on the outside.

Castiel thought a moment. "What will we each wear? And the cake?"
Krystal stroked his cheek softly, peppering kisses all over his face. "Oh baby.. I'm so sorry you had to go throufh all that.. I'd kill those to dick angels myself if I could. I love you Sammy. you're everything to me.. You'll be everything to them, too." She replied softly, pressing his hand to her stomach as she snuggled into him.

JJ smiled. "I'm friends with vera wang. I'm sure she'd be happy to design us some nice tuxedos for the occasion. for costumes? dunno. you could go as an angel, Cas?"
Sam was fighting off tears as he finished and looked at her brokenly, hugging her tight against him as she said that. "I love you too Krystal, I don't know why you do, but thank you..."

Castiel tilted his head confused. "Wouldn't that be redundant? I thought halloween was about dressing as something you're not..."
Krystal hugged him close, kissing him any place she could reach. "I'll always be yours, no matter what Sammy. You are worth so much more than you think. baby, just let yourself cry. you don't need to be strong all the time. you have me." She murmured, rubbing comforting circles in his back.

JJ chuckled. "Yes, maybe so, but normal people won't know that. its the perfect disguise."
Krystal just held him, snuggling close as she rubbed his back. "Its alright Sammy. Just let it out. i'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere." she soothed, kissing his head.

JJ nodded. "As for the cake? I can as Buddy if he'll do it for us."

Dean looked shocked. "Dude, you know the Cake boss?" JJ just nodded.
Sam cried for a while before he finally settled down and just snuggled into her, resting his head on her chest.

Castiel looked curious. "Who's the cake boss? Is he the leader of cake decorators?"
Krystal smiled softly, kissing the top of his head, humming hey jude to him as she rubbed his back. "now, don't you feel better?"

JJ and Dean both burst out laughing, shaking their heads. Dean took in a breath. "No cas. its just a nickname."
Krystal smiled, nuzzling him. "You're everything to me, Sammy. I'd do anything to see you smile. So please, Don't think those horrible things about yourself. You're mine. you got it? You're stuck with me. i love you, my handsome, intelligent, kind, loving mate." She soothed, kissing him sweetly.

JJ smiled. "So I was thinking the cake could be a 3 teir with a galaxy print and a dragon crawling up it with Large black angel wings. what do you think, Cas?"
Sam blushed softly at her words, sniffling softly as he kissed her back gently, smiling softly as he pulled away. "Thank you Krys, I love you..."

Castiel thought a moment. "We should have the dragon have a hand print on his left shoulder." He replied, looking to Dean with a smile.
Sam sighed happily and kissed her face all over. "Thank you my love. I'm so lucky to have you..."

Castiel nodded and hesitated. "I... Can I have a little part of the ceremony to speak? I want to give you both something special..."
Krystal stroked his cheek. "And I you, my love."

JJ and Dean both nodded. "I was going to suggest we write our own vows anyway. Do you both want Bobby to officiate?" He asked looking curious.

Dean smiled. "If he wants to."
Sam sighed in comfort and rubbed her stomach gently as he gently kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry to have gotten so sad. Do you want to do something?"

Castiel nodded in agreement. "I don't mean the vows, but very well, I will also write my vows. And yes, Bobby would be a good officiator."
Krystal gave him a kiss. "Its alright my love. Hmm, Wanna play some video games?"

JJ smiled. "Alright. Dean, will you ask him when we go see him? I'm pretty sure Sam already took mom to meet him.

Dean nodded. "of course."
Krystal smiled. "Follow me. What kind of game would you wanna play? I have every console ever made. JJ's kind of a video game geek, so I picked it up." She admitted, chuckling fondly.

JJ and Dean both shook their heads, giving Castiel light kisses to the lips. "No cas, we'll be fine. I'm gonna take Blue to meet Bobby. check there when you're done." He replied softly, smiling.
Sam smiled and shrugged. "How about a racing game to start?"

Castiel blushed softly at the kisses and nodded, disappearing. He headed to heaven first, checking on how things were running up there, before he went to his favorite heaven, the one with the autistic boy, and began working on his presents for Dean and JJ.
Krystal smiled. "Mario kart sound okay? i have the newvone for WiiU or any other version." she replied, leading him into the video game room which had one large screen, with many consoles attached.

Dean smiled at JJ, popping them to Bobby's. He hoped the elder hunter was there and wasnt out hunting. he knocked. "Hey, bobby, you here?" JJ just waited patiently.
Sam smiled and nodded. "That works." He said and sat down with her to play the games.

Bobby opened the door and smiled at Dean. "Hey there ya idjit. This must be JJ." He shook JJ's hand. "Where's Cas?"
Krystal smiled back at him, plopping down in one of the bean bag chairs in one of the least feminine ways possible, grabbing an iced tea. "Sit." she muttered, handing him a controller.

JJ shook the man's hand back. "Yes, that's right. I take it you've met my mom?" He asked, tilting his head.

Dean smiled a little. "Cas is in heaven. He said hevwas working on something."
Sam chuckled softly and nodded, sitting in the beanbag next to her and sipping the tea.

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, Sam and her were here not too long ago." He replied and led them inside. "Cas is ever the busy one isn't he?" He responded to Dean, grabbing him a beer. "You drink son?" He asked JJ.
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