Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal grinned back at him. "I'm glad you like them. They're all handmade by me for you. I figure the sword will come in handy for vampires. They're made of a metal stronger than steel. Metal from the moon. the guns are magically refillable and can kill anything. They also cannel your powers." she explains softly, giving him a kiss.

Dean pressed a kiss to the back of Castiel's neck as he worked his hole, enjoying the squirming the angel was doing.
Sam's eyes were wide in awe and he kissed her back deeply, showing his appreciation in the kiss. "Thank you love."

Castiel gasped softly and shivered at the kiss, whimpering and panting heavily as he continued to squirm. "D-Dean..." he whimpered his name pitifully.
Krystal kissed him back just as deeply. "You're welcome my love. "Wanna go down to the dojo and try them out? We could spar if you want.." She asked smiling at him shyly.

Dean letbout a gutteral moan as he heardbhis angel. "Are you ready for a finger, sweetheart?"
Sam smiled and nodded. "Sure." He said then chuckled. "Though I don't have much practice in this type of fighting."

Castiel whimpered shyly at the moan before nodding softly in embarassment.
Krystal smiled tilting her head. "With swords? I can teach you. Come, we'll try the guns out first" She replied, getting out of bed and waiting for him to follow her to the shooting range.

Dean smiled, kissing his angel on the lips before he gently stuck his middle finger inside Castiel's hole, prodding around for his prostate.
Sam smiled and nodded, getting up and snapping his clothes on before following her.

Castiel whimpered in the kiss before he gasped and groaned deeply at the finger inside him.
Krystal snapped her fingers also, and a negligee and bathrobe appeared onnher body. "Glad to see you're getting more accustomed to your powers love. Now, follow me, and I'll Show you where the shooting range and dojo are." she murmured, kissing his cheek.

Dean smirked, moving his finger a little faster at castiel's noises. "You're so tight!"
Sam smiled softly and kissed her gently, nodding as he followed her.

Castiel panted heavier and moaned and whimpered as he sped up, whimpering shyly at Dean's words as he gripped onto him gently.
Krystal kissed him back lovingly, taking his hand and leading him rhe bedroom. They twist through a few Ling hallways, and arrive at two large cherry wood doors with dragons on them. She opened them with a flick of her wrist. "Behold the shooying range and dojo!" she said dramatically, grinning.

Dean sped up the thrusts of his finger, finding the prostate and hitting it repeatedly. He made no move to add another finger yet, Letting out a moan of his own. "Ready for two, Cas?"
Sam looked around with an impressed smile. "Nice."

Castiel was panting heavier as he sped his fingers and he then gasped and groaned deeply as he hit his prostate. He gripped onto Dean tightly as he gasped and moaned frantically, whimpering softly with a nod.
Krystal smiled. "Thank you. this place, the range and weapons dojo, was my add to the castle, along with the racetrack and garage. Each monarch adds something to the castle. You can add something too my love. Later, I'll show you the library." she replied with a smile, getting on her tip toes to kiss him.

Dean let out a few strained moans, his cock impossibly hard and rubbing against Castiel's stomach. He slowly slid his middle finger out before two fingers were being inserted in his angel and he was scizzoring him gently.
Sam smiled and nodded, kissing her back softly as he looked around curiously.

Castiel gasped softly and groaned deeply as he felt the two fingers. He gripped onto Dean's shoulder and he whimpered. "D-Dean..."
The dojo looked like any other, like a gymnasium with soft mat floors and padding about 6 foot tall all around. Inna room to the side, large crystal cases held thousands of weapons, from swords to guns., 2,000 years of weaponry. Another room next to that was the shooting range, which looked like the most state of the art range sam might've seen.

Dean smirks. "what is it sweetheart?" he asked, moaning and playing with castiel's hole.
Krystal chuckles, following him into the weapons room. "My own personal collection. 2 millenia is a long time.. youbtend to collect things." she muttered, blushing at the admittance. She was very self concious about her age, especially as compared to his.

Dean moaned. "You got it Cas" he replied, adding a third finger slowly and gently before picking up his speed.
Sam didn't seem phased in the least by it however and he looked over the weapons in awe. "This is incredible Krystal."

Castiel gasped and gripped Dean a little tighter as he groaned deeply when he inserted the third finger, whimpering before he began panting hard and fast as he picked up speed.
Sam smiled and nodded. "I might have to borrow a couple of these on some hunts because they're INCREDIBLY hard to find."

Castiel was gasping and moaning deeply. "D-Dean...." He moaned out as he gripped onto him, squirming.
Krystal smiled. "of course love. what's mine is yours" She replied, wrapping her arms around him.

Dean let out a moan of his own. "you think you're ready for my cock now, cas?" He asked, still pumping his fungers quickly.
Sam smiled and held her close, kissing her head. "Thank you love."

Castiel was panting and whimpering, too pleasured to really think or speak. He nodded softly as he continued to squirm.
Sam smiled. "So, dojo? Or shooting range?"

Castiel was left panting when Dean pulled his fingers out before he gasped and groaned deeply, gripping Dean tighter as he whimpered.
Krystal smiled softly. "Shooting range. I wanna see you play with the guns I made you. Very sexy." she muttered, smirking softly.

Dean was encouraged by the moans and pushed in further, thrusting slowly as he moaned.
Sam blushed a little and chuckled, kissing her gently. "Alright." He followed her to the shooting range.

Castiel gasped and he tensed, whimpering softly as Dean pushed in further, taking deep, shaky breaths as he did.
Krystal smiled softly and kissed him back, putting on a headset to gaurd her even more sensitive ears. She handed him one as well. "you'll need these."

Dean thrust in and out slowly, putting it in a little bit more each time. "Are you okay? I'm not hurting you, right?"
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