Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam smiled and nodded. "I'm fine with that then. I wouldn't mind having this for a tattoo."

Castiel watched Dean curiously then turned to the screen before taking some popcorn.
Krystal grinned. "Alright, brilliant! We'll set that up later yomorrow. Would you like to look through my sketchbook?" she asked, smiling softly. When he did, he'd find she most drew him. After she met him, she just couldn't get him outta her head.

Dean ginned and watched intently, somging along.
Krystal smiled softly."After that first meeting, I just couldn't get you outta my head. I kept drawing you... Kept seeing our wedding.. Our son and daughter. I saw.. a life with you." She muttered softly, blushing. She turned to a specific page, and on it he would see all of them. Her, snuggling next to him heavily pregnant, two five year olds at their knees, grinning widely. His brother, JJ, and Cas stood next to them, JJ just showing a little and leaning into Cas, and a 5 year old whose hair was being ruffled by Dean. Gabrirl held a banner, floating in the air that read.. family. "that's what I saw."

Dean relaxed into the couch, eyes closing as he sang along, having a rare happy moment.
Sam blinked in surprise and blushed brightly at her words before staring wide-eyed at the drawing. "I... didn't realize male fae could get pregnant..."

Castiel continued to watch and listen curiously.
Krystal chuckles a little. "Well, JJ can. I've not seen any other male fae get pregnant. JJ's power set make his anatomy slightly different. think.. mystique from XMen but a guy. He's a shapeshifter. so if he wants to get pregnant he can. why, think your brother would get accidentally knocked up?" she muttered, snuggling into him.

Dean continued relaxing, the tension in his world momentarily stopped.
Sam nodded, looking a little relieved as she said it was only JJ. He then chuckled a little as he held her. "Maybe a little, I know he would freak if he did."

Castiel continued to watch.
Krystal smiled "I'm sorry, but ifnit did happen, which the chances arenlow, but I've heard that I need to expect the unexpected with you winchester's, I'd laugh my ass off if Dean accidentaly got pregnant. Though honestly? I think after the initial panic motherhood would look good on him." she replied, snickering.

Dean relaxed, happily singing along.
Sam chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Well, he was a good father to Ben, I suppose it wouldn't be so unnatural to him."

Castiel looked at Dean and listened to him more than the movie.
Krystal smiled. "I don't doubt that both he and you will be great fathers. But still, it would be amusing to watch Dean totally flip out at being pregnant. Hopefully Gabe isn't listening... cause well.. you know Gabe." she replies, chuckling.

Gabriel was actually listening, but decided to file that particular prank away for after his brother and the hunter actually have sex. Also, he already had some fun planned.

Dean was oblivious to Castiel watching him, eyes closed in pleasure as he sang. It was si seldom he could just relax like this and he was savoring it.
Sam chuckled. "God I hope not." He said with a laugh as he held her close and kissed her head, rubbing her stomach.

Castiel felt the sudden urge to kiss the man's cheek, he didn't understand it at first but then he realized what it was. Dean was cute, and he liked seeming him happy, he wanted to make him happier. He hesitated then leaned over and gently kissed the man's cheek, pulling away as he blushed brightly.
Krystal smiled at the kiss to the head, content to just relax with him for awhile. "yeah, you got that right." she replied, chuckling.

Dean stopped singing a moment, blushing slightly though he blushed. He was surprised that castiiel initiated contact like that. It made him grin and kiss the angels cheek also.
Sam smiled and nuzzled her hair as he held her.

Castiel blushed a little more as he was kissed back and looked down shyly. "S-Sorry to disturb you..." He murmured.
Sam sighed happily at the kiss before smiling. "I love you too Krys..."

Castiel blushed brightly at the kiss to the lips and nodded shyly. "I-I'm glad..."
Krystal smiled, snuggling into him. "We can go to cake boss.. or maybe I can convince cake wars to do the cake? Which would you prefer? I do enjoy Cake wars " she mutters, smiling at him.

Dean smiles. "That's good. I really want you to be happy. You've done so much for me, its seems only fair." he replied, giving him a kiss.
Sam chuckled. "They do make some impressive cakes on cake wars. Let's go with that."

Castiel blushed brightly and kissed back softly. "I think you've done more for me Dean..."
Sam chuckled. "Who doesn't owe you a favor?" He asked with a teasing grin.

Castiel looked down. "You showed me the evil ways of heaven, you taught me freedom, choice, and what there is that's truly worth fighting for. You made me who I am today." He smiled a little at him. "So thank you."
Krystal chuckled also. "Hmm, well, its a pretty short list. I think even Crowley owes me a favor." she replies, giving him a kiss. She was so glad to have him with her after being alone so long.

Dean tilted Castiel's head up, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "You're welcome Cas. but.. All I did was what is right." he replied, smiling softly
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