Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal snuggled into him and smiled. "Forever, my heart." She whispered, resting against him.

Dean ran his thumb over Castiel's hand, smiling at him, though his eyes looked sad, vulnerable. "Did you want to?" he asked his eyes showing he felt maybe he'd pushed him into something he didn't want to do.
Sam smiled and held her close.

Castiel blinked in surprise and thought a moment. "I didn't want to, because I never considered it, but I'm glad I did..."
Krystal relaxed into him, eyes closing on content. "So, How many should I expect from your side? For me, its just JJ and my uncle Philip." she explainedresting her head onnhis shoulder.

Dean smiled a little. "I'm glad that its okay.. I wouldn't want you to feel pressured."
Krystal chuckled. "I know alot of human celebrities, so i'm talking about Scarlett Johsnssen. JJ's best friend is Robert downey jr. He used to babysit him when he was in med school for pediatrics." she replied smiling.

Dean smiled back, squeezing his hand.
Krystal chuckled. "Rob is basically another son, though for a couple of years when I went back to college for Hemotology, I met his son. Got him detoxed." she explained, smiling and sipping som herbal hibiscus rosehips tea.

Dean squeezed his hand, snuggling him a little as he flipped the TV on, twitching slightly at the supernatural marathon that came on."
Krystal smiled. "Yep. He'snmuch happuer sober. You'd like indio. He's in a band." she explained giving him a kiss.

Dean twitched slightly again. "I'm changing the channel, unless you wanna watch this." He grumbled, twitching further when he realizes its "the french mistake" episode that he and sam interrupted.
Krystal smiled. "yeah. its indie rock. not my taste, i'm more of a metallica, Breaking Benjamin and black veil brides girl myself, but I adore Indio, so naturally I have all big pink chair's cds. yeah, that's really his band's name." she replied, chuckling.

Dean changed the channel, elated to find "the song remains the same" on the next channel. "Much better."
Krystal chuckled too. "Yep. Indy's a weird one. But he's. sweetheart. you'd like him" she replied, smiling.

Dean grinned, as the led zepplin movie was just coming on. "Dude, Cas, this is Led Zepplin!" he replied, turning the volume up.
Krystal smiled. "I can introduce you tomorrow if you like? We'll pop over to his apartment. He's used ti me showing up without any real warning. He'll be surprised to see you though. I don't usually have anyone on my arm." she explains, kissing him. She lets out a breath. "Hey, can I rope you into getting another tattoo? It's kind of tradition in fae culture."

Dean grinned. "yeah Cas! Led Zepplin is my favorite band!!!" he exclained, going to make popcorn.
Krystal smiled softly, pulling a sketchbook off of her side table. She flipped through quickly, but he might catch the few sketches of him sleeping in the bed at the paris apartment. She'd done them before making breakfast that day. "This is the tattoo. Its a ceremonial binding. A sacred binding only shared between hearts. The ink is mixed with tears of our court, and a little of my blood." She explains softly, her expression showing he only had to do it if he wanted to.

Dean Grinned at him. "That's great Cas! Promise you won't regret it!" he replied, coming back with popcorn.
Sam blinked in surprise as he saw the drawings of him then he looked at it and smiled softly, kissing her cheek. "I wouldn't want to make you bleed... but I wouldn't mind if you really wanted me to."

Castiel blinked in surprise and nodded. "Alright."
Krystal smiled softly at the kiss to the cheek, snuggling into him. "You needn't worry about my bleeding. The artists who would do it already have my blood. Our blood is purest when we are babies, so they take a few small vials of it when we are born, so that when we find our hearts, we have it for the ink exchange." she explains, giving him s kiss. "its up to you my love."

Dean dmiled, offering Castiel some popcorn as he became glued to the screen.
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