Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal gave him a kiss. "Alright my heart." she replied, hugging him close a moment before walking away to her room. He wasn't far, but she already missed his arms around her.

Dean shuddered slightly as he sat down across from him. "No, cas, you really don't."
Sam hummed softly as he cooked a delicious dinner of steak, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob for her. Bringing it in to her on a tray with a happy smile. "I hope you like it." he murmured as he kissed her cheek while setting the dinner down. "And guess what's for desert?"

Castiel frowned and dipped his head in apology. "I'm sorry."
Krystal grinned at the site of the dinner in front of her. She loves steak so very much, and was touched he had remembered what she had ordered in paris. "Everything looks delicious love. Hmm, Dessert? I don't know.." She replied smirking atnhim.

Dean chuckled. "No need to apoligize Cas. it just.. is a lot more trying doing things without magic. instant gratification is.. very nicem"
Sam chuckled and kissed her cheek sweetly before saying softly. "Vanilla soft serve ice cream with pickles." He said with a wink.

Castiel nodded softly. "I see. I will try to be more conscientious of the struggles of humans."
Krystal grinned at him. "Caussen pickles?" she asked hopefully, cutting up her steak. She did love her steak.

Dean smiled and nodded. "That's all human's can ask for" he replied softly, playing with something in his jacket pocket. He was trying to calm his nerves.
Sam chuckled and kissed her back gently, sitting down beside her and eating the smaller meal he'd prepared for himself.

Castiel nodded. "I see. Thank you." He picked up the fork and knife and began cutting into the food mannerly.
Krystal took a bite of her steak, eyes closing with a happy noise. "oh, that's good." She muttered, smiling stupidly.

Dean smiled, cutting up his own food. "You're welcome Cas. I hope you like it. Everything is cooked fresh." he replied, taking a bite.
Sam chuckled and smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it." He said as he continued to eat his.

Castiel nodded and ate some. "It has a good mix of seasonings and was cooked well." He said as he continued to eat.
Krystal smiled blissfully. "I do, I really do. Its just what I was craving." She replied softly as she ate some of the mashed potatoes.

Dean smiled a little at that. "I'm glad the molecules taste good to you, Cas. I worked hard." He replied, eating another piece of his own steak. He hoped Cas would say yes to his proposal, even though he knew JJ had already done it.
Krystal smiled back at him, leaning into his touch and kissing his palm before he took his hand away. "I love you, Sammy."

Dean finished his food shortly after, taking Cas's hand and squeezing it before getting up and getting down on one knee in front of the angel. He pulled a small ring box from his jacket pocket. "Cas, I've loved you practically since I met you. Will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me?" he asked, opening the box to reveal the ring.
Sam smiled. "I love you too Krystal." He murmured.

Castiel's eyes widened and he blushed madly, his heart skipping a bit as he was proposed to for the second time today. "J-JJ already asked me that... is that... s-still ok...?"
Krystal smiled. "You don't have to call me Krystal you know. Krys is fine too." she replied, squeezing his shoulder.

Dean chuckled a little. "Of course. We planned it that way. We're gonna have a fae wedding, remember?" He replied, chuckling.
Sam blinked in surprise then smiled at her lovingly. "Alright Krys..."

Castiel was blushing madly and looked down shyly and nodded. "O-Oh... O-Ok..." He said shyly, looking at him timidly.
Sam smiled and finished his small portion and went to get her the desert, seeing as she was almost done.

Castiel was blushing incredibly and he nodded shyly.
Krystal smiled back at him, watching him go as she ate her corn happily. By the time he got back, she'd be done.

Dean let out a sigh of relief and slipped the ring on Castiel's finger, interlocking it with the other. "I love you, Cas."
Sam smiled as he brought her back some sliced pickles mixed into vanilla soft serve ice cream. "Here you go love."

Castiel blushed madly and nodded shyly. "I-I love you too Dean..."
Krystal grinned at him in return, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. "What would I do without you.." She muttered, eyes closing as she took the first bite.

Dean grinned widely at that, pulling the angel in for a deep kiss. "Lets go home."
Krystal snuggled into Sam's side, eating her icecream happily. "wanna see what's on the cross dimensional TV? Bet there's a marathon of "supernatural" on!" she teased, kissing him.

Dean cleaned everything up and popped them back to JJ's apartment. JJ smiled. "I take it things went well?" He asked, Dean just nodding in reply.
Sam rolled his eyes with a chuckle, remembering the time he and Dean were sent to the dimension where their lives were a tv show. "I think that would be a little too weird for me."

Castiel was blushing brightly and nodded shyly as well.
Krystal tilted her head in confusion, flipping on the tv and quickly changing the channel to sailor moon when she saw JJ's mug on the tv, kissing Cas. "Why's that my love?" she asked, looking confused.

JJ smiled. "Good. I'm glad. I was hoping it would." he replied, Dean nodding at him and smiling back. Things seemed to be falling into place.
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