Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Sam chuckled. "I don't know, it would just seem weird to watch my life play out on tv."

Castiel looked down shyly. "S-So... w-will we all get married at the same wedding...?" He asked in embarrassment.
Krystal smiled."Fair enough. I often wonder what our alters are doing. Does this Jared Padalecki love Krystal Kobayashi.. and does.. Jensen Ackles love Misha Collins? be interesting to see." she admitted, looking curious.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Gabriel had heard her, and he was planning on giving them a taste. Boy would they be in for a surprise. Unfortunately for them, Gabriel had gotten bored.

JJ smiled. "If you want to, we can do it separately, but given the circumstances, It might just be easier to have both of us marry you at once." He explained, sipping his iced tea.
Sam chuckled and nodded. "I'm assuming there are many alternate realities, I'm sure there are a few that have us married."

Castiel nodded softly, blushing brightly. "I-I'm alright with that..." He murmured before looking down at his ring finger. "Will I have space for two more rings?" He asked curiously.
Krystal chuckled. "They're are, actually. In fact, there's even a reality where I end up with Captain america. apparently in some universes, he's not fictional." She explained, setting her empty icecream bowl to the side.

JJ chuckled softly, giving his fiancee a kiss to the cheek. "The weddding bands replace the engagement rings my angel."
Sam chuckled. "Well I'm glad he is in this universe then." He said with a wink before kissing her softly.

Castiel nodded, looking down at the rings. "I see... I will want to keep these ones though."
Krystal kissed him back, playing with his shaggy hair. "Even if he was real in this universe, you're it for me, Sam. Not even Steve Rogers could take me away from you my heart."

JJ smiled and lightly kissed Castiel. "Of course angel."
Sam blushed a little and smiled lovingly at her. "Thank you... I'm glad..." he murmured and kissed her neck sweetly as he rubbed her stomach affectionately.

Castiel blushed a little in the kiss and nodded shyly.
Krystal smiled at him, snuggling close. She facepalmed as she realized that she forgot to tell him something kind of vital. "Anytime my love. But there's something you should know. Fae pregnancy is only 6 months long."

JJ and Dean smiled. "We love you, Cas" Dean muttered, going out of the room to change.
Sam blinked in surprise. "W-Wow... ok... We should start planning a baby shower for a few months from now soon then huh?" He asked with a soft, slightly nervous chuckle.

Castiel blushed more. "I-I love you both... as well..."
Krystal gave him a light kiss. "Lets focus onbthe wedding first. I wanna marry you before they're born.. You've no idea how looked down upon I was when JJ was born. a single mother with fiancee killed in war.." She explained softly before continuing. "They used to call me the cursed queen."

JJ smiled as Dean back in in just his flannel lounge pants. "Good. we wouldn't have it any other way."
Sam's eyes widened in surprise then narrowed angrily. "I won't let anyone talk to you like that." He promised and kissed her sweetly. "So what would you like for the wedding then?"

Castiel blushed a little at seeing Dean's bare chest and looked down shyly.
Krystal snuggled into him, giving him a light kiss. She let out a soft breath. "It wasn't my court who called me this though. No, it was the other courts. My court is not well liked despite the peace between us all. We are uneedlily persecuted because we provide a service that the other courts will not do. We are the assassins of the fae courts, and in a culture where life is so very valued, we are compared to nothing more than mercenaries." She explained softly, frowning. Sam would be able to feel just how much she ached for her court, how much she wished to change the stigma it carried, but she felt defeated. She took in another breath. "They call me the queen of murder, the cursed queen, because everyone I've tried to love, including my parents, has been killed."

Krystal perked up at the mention of the wedding, and thanks to a wireless printer and a bit of pregnancy insomia, she already had a small binder with ideas in it. She handed it to Sam. "I might have a few ideas."

Dean raised an eyebrow at the fact that Castiel was blushing at him being shirtless. He let out a low chuckle. "Dude, what's withbthw blush? You've seen me naked. literally rebuilt my body when you pulled me from hell, Cas. No need to blush" He muttered, grabbing a beer from the fridge.
Sam looked at Krystal sadly as she spoke and held her hand comfortingly. "I'm sorry love..." he murmured and kissed her cheek. He then blinked in surprise at the binder and chuckled. "I see you do." he said, opening it up and flipping through it.

Castiel blushed even more and turned away in shame. "S-Sorry..." He murmured and vanished back to heaven in embarrassment.
Krystal snuggled into him, squeezing his hand in thanks. "Don't be sorry my heart. It isn't your fault." She teplied firmly, giving him a kiss. She blushed a little. "I become a bit of an insomniac when I'm pregnant. I wanted to get a head start cause of it." she explained, pointing to her half and half cake idea, silently asking his opinion.

Dean looked up, looking a bit guilty. "Did I say something wrong? Just stating facts. I was trying to make him feel better, not leave!" he frowned, taking a swig of his beer. "Cas.. c'mon! Come home!"
Sam looked over the cake with an impressed look on his face. "I like it. I think it's a good representation of us."

Castiel remained away for about an hour before returning silently.
Krystal smiled brightly, giving him a kiss. "I thought so. So.. I was thinking we might use Dragon china that I have. its ming dynasty china and I have hundreds of settings. We could have the napkins folded into cranes." she explained, Showing him the pictures she has of her china.

Dean smiled a little as he saw Castiel come back. he now wore a led zepplin tshirt with his flannels, and he was happily listening to music on an Ipod JJ just gave him. He pulled one of the ear buds. "Hey Cas."
Krystal smiles back at him. "Do you have any suggestions my love?"

Dean slowly scooted a little closer to Castiel. "I'm sorry Cas. I was trying to help, not make you more uncomfortable.. but you know how bad I am at this stuff.
Sam thought a moment. "How about we keep the theme of birds and dragons, like our marks? We could have bird and dragon decorations and the food could be arranged like a flock of birds or a fruit platter like a dragon."

Castiel shook his head softly. "It's fine..."
Krystal smiled. "Yeah, I like that idea! Oooh, how about a dragon and bird ice sculpture?" she asked getting excited.

Dean tentative ly took Castiel's hand. "Okay Cas." He replied, giving the angel's hand a tiny squeeze. They were alone because JJ was on call at the hospital right now.
Krystal grinned. "Yeah! and we can put Blue lights undernit and make it look blue! Ooh.. hmm.. what else? I want blue andnpurple lillies.. and I want the dragon and bird to be in the stars! like.. constellations! Thoughts?" She asked, grinning even wider.

Dean smiled a little. "Its just me Cas. nothing's changed."
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