Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Dean's jaw dropped, then he chuckled. "Good for you Sammy. I knew you had it in yah. I'm gonna be an uncle!" he grinned stupidly at the notion, even if he was scared shitless that any kid he or Sam had would be forced into the life.

JJ grinned brightly. "That's amazing Mommy!! I'm finally gonna have siblings! I call being your doctor!" He exclaimed excitedly, hoping castiel would return so he could tell him the good news.
Sam chuckled and nodded. "Yeah... I'm not sure I'll be a good dad but..." He kissed Krystal's cheek then her stomach. "I'll do my best."

Castiel returned a bit later and looked around. "Hello Sam, Krystal."
Dean smiled. "That's all the kid can ask for, Sam." Krystal smiled at the kisses to cheek and stomach ruffling her lover's hair with her hand a bit.

Krystal grinned at the angel. "Hi Castiel!" She greeted enthusiastically, not missing the ring on his finger nor the necklace he wore. He really was becoming part of the family.

JJ hugged Castiel after he appeared. "Cassie! Guess what?"
Sam smiled at Dean thankfully and chuckled when Krystal ruffled his hair.

Castiel looked at JJ then at Krystal for a moment before saying. "Krystal is pregnant with Sam's child?"
Krystal raised an eyebrow at Castiel. "We just found out. j told Sam.. and he proposed." she explained softky, showing them all the lotus shaped sapphire and diamond ring.

JJ smiled. "That ring is perfect. But.. I'm excited mommy! I'm finally gonna have a baby brother or sister!!" He exclained cheerfully, But amongst the utter glee for his mother, castiel would be able to feel the slight envy over his mother's pregnancy. The last time he'd carried.. he'd lost them.

Dean smiled. "I think it'll be twins."

Krystal chuckled. "I'd like that."
Castiel looked at JJ curiously as he seemed jealous but simply congratulated Krystal and Sam.

Sam smiled and chuckled. "Are you sure we could handle two super charged toddlers at once?" He asked teasingly.
Picking up on Castiel's look, JJ kissed his his head and whispered "I'll explain later" Dean gave him a concerned look, but JJ waved it off wth a smile.

Krystal chuckled. "Absolutely. You forget my dear, just how much longe I've had practice as a mom." she replied, giving him a playful kiss.
JJ nuzzled his fiancée, kissing him softly. Dean smiles, relaxing. Krystal smiled at the trio. "You look good with together you 3."

Krystal snuggled into sam. "Just trust me my heart, you're gonna do fine as a father. Fae are much more mature than human children."
Krystal just smiled back.

JJ raised an eyebrow at dean. "Dean, weren't you and cas going on a date tonight?" He asked, and Dean bolted from his seat.

"Shit! we are! I have to go prepare!" He exclaimed, running to JJ's room to pick a suit before popping to prepare the botanical garden gazebo he planned to propose in.

Krystal smiled. "Good. Now, my heart, how.about we go home to the castle? Unless.. you'd rather stay here at JJ's?"
Castiel watched Dean running, baffled at seeing him so hurried.

Sam smiled and shook his head. "We can go to the castle. I think JJ and them would like some privacy anyway."
JJ and his mother shared knowing looks. "Congradulations on your engagement, too."

Dean had the Gazebo put together just the way he wanted it in record time. Having powers really cane in handy because it would have taken hours otherwise. "Perfect" He muttered, snapping his fingers to change.

Krystal smiled up at Sam. "Fair enough my love. Come.. We'll go home." she muttered softly, hoping that at some point, he'd call it home too.
Sam smiled as they appeared back at the castle and kissed her gently. "How about I cook us a nice dinner?"

Castiel looked up at Dean and nodded. "Yes." he said, still in the same trench coat and suite.
Krystal kissed him back, smiling up at him. "That sounds lovely. would you like to use the hosehold kitchen, or my personal one?" She asked, snuggling into him.

Dean beamed, reachingbout for Castiel's hand. Whennthe angel took it, They were wisked away to a romantic dinner of steak in a gazebo.
Krystal smiled, popping them right in the middle of the a state of the art restaurant quality kitchen. "This is my private kitchen. Its right next to my bedroom" she explained, giving him a kiss.

Dean smirked a little as he lead Castiel up into the gazebo. "Decorated it myself. Fae magic is very convenient. Come, lets eat, and then I have something I want to ask you." He muttered, the only trace of his nervousness in his eyed.
Sam blinked in surprise then chuckled and smiled "Then how about you go rest and I'll bring you dinner in bed?"

Castiel nodded softly. "I can imagine the struggles humans have without magic." He said as he followed Dean up into the gazebo and sat down.
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