Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Castiel shook his head. "I said don't be sorry." He said simply as he continued to hold the fae.

Sam followed, surprising himself by how well he caught on.
JJ frowned softly, sniffling. "I know. but I still feel badly. I should have been able to handle that better Cas."

Krystal smiled a little. "wait until you see the next room. Don't worry though, no clowns. promise."
JJ snuggled close, Sniffling here or there, but generally feeling better. "I think I need a nap.. Cas.. rest with me?" He asked, and his expression yold he wasn't ready to let go, but needed to sleep.

Krystal smiled softly. "Good. Now, would you like to see my next favorite place?" she asked, looking up into his eyes.
JJ smiled softly, clinging to Castiel as he was brought to the bedroom. with a snap, JJ was in his pajamas, and he snuggled close to the angel as he closed his eyes. "Thank you, Angel. For being here for me. I don't know what I would do without you." And with that, he drifted off to sleep.

Krystal grinned, popping them to a room that looked like a trapeze artist's heaven. "I come here when I need to think. believe it or not, the trapese is a good place to gather your thoughts." she muttered smiling
JJ relaxed as he slept, dreams of Their wedding running through his mind. " I do.. Always Cas.." He muttered in his sleep, and if Castiel looked in his mind, he would see the three of them in tuxedo's with a teary eyed krystal next to her fiancee, heavily pregnant.

Krystal smiled. "Trust me, Dearheart. it really is." she replied, climbing up on the trapeze and grinning as she did tricks for him. She hadn't noticed he usually flat muscled stomach poking out ever so slightly.
JJ sighed happily in his sleep, one arm around Castiel, while the other stroked his own stomach, as if dreaming of being pregnant.

Krystal grinned at him, doing more complicated feats as she swung high on the trapeze. "would you like to try?"
JJ smiled and snored in his sleep. "please, Cas I want a baby" he muttered, and the looknonnhis face told he really did.

Krystal chuckled. "I can give you the knowlege needed, just like at the oce rink." she repliex, smiling down at him.
JJ awoke with a start, gripping his stomach as if in labor. He shook it off, a small frown on his lips. "Just a dream..." Of you looked closely, you could see a mix of disappointment and longing in his eyes. It had been a long time since he'd been pregnant.

Krystal hopped down. "Don't you trust me?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.
JJ smiled softly at the other man, stroking his cheek. "I'm fine angel. I just had the most vivid dream though. It was very.. comforting." He muttered softly, and a box came to his hand. He hopped out of bed, coming over to Castiel's side of the bed. He blushed, getting down on one knee. "Castiel, would you marry me?" He asked, opening the box to show a ring with bees on it, that he'd designed with Dean, so when he also proposed, they'd look like a matching set.

Krystal gives him a kiss. "I know you'd do fine my love."
Castiel's face was incredibly red and he stammered out his answer. "O-O-Ok..."

Sam blinked again as he got the information and climbed up to one of the trapeze stands.
Castiel was blushing madly. "I-I love you too JJ..."

Sam took a deep breath and took off, jumping off of the stand and grabbing onto the nearest one with his hands, swinging a bit before he launched onto the next one.
JJ beamed at him, interlocking their fingers. He squeesed the other's hand lightly. "Thank you for being there, Angel. I don't know what I would've done if I'd have been alone." He muttered, referring to the art store incident.

Krystal tooknoff too, meeting him with a peck on the lips midair before gabbing onto the other trapeze.
Castiel blushed brightly as he seemed so happy. He then nodded. "It was no trouble..." He said, still seeming shy.

Sam blinked in surprise at the kiss and he flipped in the air to catch another bar with his legs. He then swung up and playfully pinched her bottom while they swung near each other before swinging up and catching onto another bar to swing up so he was standing on it.
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