Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

JJ looked shell shocked, gripping onto the angel for dear life, shaking slightly. "Castiel Novak.. Meet Dmitri Krushnic, my.. Ex... you know.. the one I told you about earlier when I painted you?" he muttered softly, worried. With those simple words, they were in a seclusion bubble so no one could hear them.

Dmitri looked the other man over. He was handsome, but why the hell was he wearing a trech coat in august? He already was jealous about his Jay-Bird kissing someone else, but.. when he saw the necklace around the other man's neck, he looked beyond pissed. "This guy, Jay? fucking really? What is he.. a tax accountant?! And what the fuck kinda name is Castiel?!" Dmitri acclaimed, looking angry and hurt. JJ had promised he'd wait fot him to get sober..

JJ frowned softly, still clinging to Castiel nervously. This was why him and Dmitri hadn't worked. His short temper, and his attendancy to get completely pladtere drunk then take his rage out on JJ physically. "Its none of your business who I choose to love, Dmitri. You gave up that right the night you almost killed me. An iron crow bar, Dmitri. i had burns on my body for months after that"
he exclaimed annoyed, though he still clinging to Castiel for dear life, memories of the two of them flooding through the bond as JJ prayed "Don't let him hurt me" on repeat.

Dmitri's looked like he was about twitch, and his fist balled, JJ cowered back, clinging to Castiel. "Well, if you hadn't of waited until the night afterbto tell me you weren't human, maybe you wouldn't have gotten so hurt!" he raged, brow knitted together in annoyance.

JJ was the one raging now. "The laws forbade me and you know it! I tell you my innermost secret and what do I get?! Thrown out with the trash, with nearly fatal iron wounds and called a monster. Nice, Dmirltri." He spat, crossing his arms. There was no chance of him going back to him. Never.

Krystal tilts hear head. "Are you sure? Because you look.. worried."
Castiel's eyes widened a bit at JJ's words of Dmitri being his ex. He then frowned when Dmitri started insulting him, he held JJ's hand back as he was clung to by the fae then his eyes widened in anger and he stepped between the two, pure anger and hatered on his face as he received the memories and prayer from JJ. As JJ cowered and Dmitri advanced Castiel stood in the man's way and held a warning hand up to him. "You stand down. Now. Or I will personally see to it that after your demise which will come sooner with resistance, that you will never enter heaven."

Sam looked at her confused as he finished eating. "Really Krystal, I'm fine." He said and picked up his plate to go wash it.
JJ cowered behind Castiel, hiding behind the sheer feirceness of his heart. He'd never seen him like this, and it was both terrifying and sexy all rolled into one.

Dmitri scoffed. "Like you could do anything to me, Mr. tax accountant. you don't even look like you could kill a wasp if it stung you!" He challenged, his rage and ego getting the best of him. He had no clue what he was getting himself into as he threw a punch towards Castiel. "What are you prattling on about? even if I believed in heaven, no one can filter who goes there, you bible thumping psycho." he insulted, smirking at his own cleverness. Dmitri maybe a talented painter, but a writer he is not.

Krystal shrugged, finishing her breakfast as well. She took her plate, putting the leftovers away with a snap. "Alright my love.. but you don't have to wash that. just put it in the dishwasher." She replied, giving him a kiss
Castiel's hand flashed up faster than the eye could catch and he caught Dmitri's fist in a nearly bone snapping grip. "I said, stand down." He said simply and a suddenly Dmitri was across the room hitting the wall, having been thrown by an invisible force though Castiel hadn't even moved. "And the bible does not get everything right. I have connections to those who choose where souls go, and even if you did end up in heaven, I could make your heaven your own personal hell." He then turned back to JJ. "I believe we should leave now."

Sam smiled at the kiss and nodded, setting the plate in the dishwasher.
Dmitri's eyes widened as his fist was simply stopped. Who would've thought this tax accoutant had some moves. He growled at Castiel. "No! I will not back down! JJ is mine!" When he hit the wall, he went unconcious, and Gabriel appeared, smirking evilly. "I heard you, Bluejay. He'll never touch you again. Cassie, take him home." He murmured, asking that the younger angel comfort him "I'll take care of him, Cassie. Take care of Bluejay."

JJ nodded. "Please.. take me home.. Gabe.. hurt him as bad as he's hurt me." He replied softly, tears starting.

Krystal grinned at him. "ready to see my childhood home?"
Castiel nodded to Gabriel in silent thanks. He wrapped an arm around JJ and placed his other two fingers on his forehead and they were home.

Sam smiled and nodded. "Sure."
Gabriel waves them off. "Don't worry about it little bro. jay's important to me too" he said simply, watching them go before taking Dmitri over his shoulder and whisking him off. His older brothers were gonna get a new plaything. He smirked a bit at the thought.

Once he was home, JJ let himself just cry. Everytime he saw that man he ended up either in emotional pain or physical. He was so done crying over the asshole, yet he couldn't hold it in any longer, drenching castiel's coat with his tears. "Please.. angel.. need to forget. Take me.. I need you inside."

Krystal smirked at him. "Perfect. close your eyes." she only waited a moment before they were transported to a palace on the moon. "Welcome to my home. To Mare serenatis."
Castiel blinked in surprise and held JJ close, frowning a little at his request. "JJ... I don't believe it is a good time for our first time... not when you're like this..."

Sam chuckled and closed his eyes. When he opened them he gasped in shock. "No way..."
JJ snuggled into him, crying hard. "Then just hug me close.. kiss me.. just anything to make him go away.. I just.. need it to stop.."

Dean walked in for a beer a moment later. "Okay, Who's the bitch I need to gank for hurting my brother." he was referring to JJ not Sam, as he was pretty sure Krystal had that in hand.

Krystal chuckled. "Of course way. I told you, dearheart. I didn't grow up in avalon." she replied softly, motioning to show him the earth from their spot on the balcony of her moon palace room.
Castiel nodded and held JJ close, stroking his hair and murmuring gently to him. "Gabriel is already taking care of it Dean." He said softly as he kissed JJ's forehead gently.

Sam's eyes were wide in awe. "This is incredible..."
Dean extinguished pretty quickly after that. "well, seeing as he killed me 107 times and he wasn't even mad at me makes me feel confident that the bitch will get his just desserts. Gabriel loves JJ, after all." he mutterd in reply, going to the kitchen to make some Hot cocoa. He hated seeing JJ like this.

JJ calmed slightly at Castiel's soft words and touches, snuggling close to him. He popped them to the couch, sitting in the angels lap and getting as close as he can, eyes closing. "Thank you angel.. Please.. stay with me.. I need you close right now." He pleaded in a whisper, the pain still radiating off him like a beacon.

Krystal grinned.. "I'm glad younlike it. This was.. my mother's home before she was killed by a jealous Odin.You might've heard of her.. from the greek legend of Endymion.. but.. the legend isn't accurate. It was actually my father, king of the dark court who she fell for. She didn't put him to sleep either. they loved each other until their death in the great fae war." she explained sadly, leaning into him. She gave him a light kiss. "shall I show you around the palace?"
Castiel looked at his poor partner sadly and nodded, holding the fae in his arms as he murmured. "Do not worry. I will stay as long as you need."

Sam looked at Krystal sympathetically, seeing she also had a rough past and he nodded softly, kissing her gently. "Sure..."
JJ snuggled into him closetears stopped for now. "Thank you, Angel. I need you close to me right now. Need to forget. I love you Cassie." he replied just above a whisper, watching as Dean came in with the cocoa.

Dean smiled smally. "Here blue. this'll make you feel better." He promised, handing JJ the mug who took it with a small smile in thanks. He really was quite broken up.

Krystal grinned at him. "Come! I'll show you my favorite place in the whole palace!" she exclaimed, and in a flash they were in an ice rink, and she wore a skating outfit. "You ever skate?"
Castiel nodded softly and continued to hold JJ all he needed, thanking Dean as well when he brought the coco.

Sam blinked in surprise. "I... can't say I have."
Dean smiled at JJ, squeezing his arm in a way he might squeeze Sam's, and JJ calmed a little, though he still sniffled. "I'll be alright, Dean. I just need cuddles." he promised, but he still sniffled, broken up by seeing his abusive ex.

Krystal smiles, Giving him a kiss and imparting her knowlege of skating into him. "Come skate with me."
Castiel continued to hold JJ close and stroked his hair gently.

Sam blinked in surprise at the sudden knowledge and hesitated before following her onto the ice.
JJ snuggled into him, nuzzling him before taking a large gulp of hot cocoa. He wasn't as bad as Gabriel when it comes to sweets, but the chocolate calmed him. "Just ve here with me, Angel. just need you near my heart." he whispered, eyes cling as he started to tear again.

Krystal chuckled, goving him a kiss. "You'll be fine my heart. don't you trust me?" she asked, pulling him closer tonthe rink, his shoes changing to skates.
Castiel continued to hold JJ the same and stroke his hair. "Calm down JJ, I'm not going anywhere. You can stop worrying."

Sam blinked in surprise and stumbled a bit as he was suddenly on much narrower footing. "I do..." He said as he let her guide him into the rink.
JJ snuggled into him, letting out a soft breath. 'I don't know why he still has such power over me, angel. Its been 3 years. I should be over it. I'm sorry I'm such a mess." He muttered softly, blushing.

Krystal lead him out to the ice, motioning for him to say close to the wall as she did a few tracks to impress him.
Castiel shook his head. "Don't be sorry. Traumatizing experiences are nothing to apologize for."

Sam smiled and skated along the wall and clapped as she did those tricks. "Very nice." He said with a smile.
JJ snuggled into him. "Thank you, my angel.. For being here...for being close." He replied softly, kissing him lovingly. He was slowly feeling better.

Krystal smiled. "Thank you. Wanna try some yourself iwth me??" she asked, smorking.
JJ snuggled closely, settingbhis now empty cocoa mugbon the table. Dean gave him a tentative smile. "Feeling any better, JJ? JJ simply nodded before burying his face back in castiel's chest for comfort.

Krystal smiled, holding her hand out in offer. "Just try. everything will be fine my heart.
JJ snuggled closely, his eyes closing. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess, Angel. I don't mean to be, its just.. he hurt me so badly. So badly I almost went back after suffering the iron burns." he explained, crying all again.

Krystal smiled at him, starting with some easy tricks before doing something more tricky.
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