Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

JJ smiled. "Good. lets skate awhile longer."

Krystal nodded, a box coming to her hand on command. "Yeah." she muttered softly, taking the pill with some iced tea. She gave him a kiss. "we'll be fine" She had no idea it was already ti late.
JJ skated around with Castiel, kissing him when he was finished. "Shall we go then?" he asked, squeezing his hands.

Krystal smiled, cleaning herself up with a snap and laying back, waiting for him to come back to bed. She was tired and wanted to snuggle.
Castiel blushed at the kiss and nodded.

Sam took a shower and sighed in exhaustion as he cleaned up before coming back out in a pair of pj pants and no shirt and laid down with her.
JJ took his skates off before popping then to his favorite place. There was alreadyva table preoared fr them, and JJ took Castiel's trench coat, hanging it with his own light coat.

Krystal immediately snuggled into Sam as he came back to bed, giving him a kiss. "I love you, Sammy. always. now, lets get some sleep." she murmured, snuggling close.
Castiel hesitated, shifting uncomfortably without his trench coat but knew it must be custom for people to take off their coats in such a place so he sat down awkwardly.

Sam nodded and held her close, kissing her gently as he closed his eyes to sleep.
JJ gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand as he ordered them both this restaurants special, the tripple beef burger. It is a burger made with ground prime rib, ground sirloin and 100% angus beef. "Its fine, Cas. No harm will come to your trenchcoat. Besides, you look just as handsome without it." he promised, sipping his champange.

Krystal snuggled him close, falling asleep quickly after all the fun.

In the morning, Sam would be awoken to the sweet smells of Krystal cooking him fresh breakfast sausage, bacon, eggs, and waffles in buttermilk and blueberry."
Castiel blushed a little at the last part and nodded. "Thank you..." He murmured awkwardly then looked up as the burgers arrived and he ate it slowly, savoring it though it was quite delicious.

Sam smiled softly as he hummed a little, waking up to the delicious smells and sat up, stretching tiredly before heading into the kitchen, smiling happily as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck softly. "Morning..." He murmured.
JJ smiled softly, squeezing his lover's hand softly. He smiled and thanked the waiter as their burgers cam, taking a sip of his champange. "This place serves the best burgers. that's why I chose it. Dean mensioned you like them." He muttered, blushing.

Krystal smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, and turned her head to kiss him as she flipped some bacon. "Morning my love. Are you hungry?" she asked, smiling at him as she finished cooking.
Castiel looked up and smiled a little as he ate. "Thank you, they are quite delicious."

Sam kissed her back gently and smiled, rubbing her sides a bit. "Starved." He said as he pulled away to get the plates.
JJ smiled. "I'm glad you like it, Dearheart. I thought it might be something special you might like." He replied, taking another bite of his burger, which he'smd cut into fork sized pieces.

Krystal smiled as he rubbed her sides. "Good. I've got lots of food. The plates are on the top shelf in the cabinet next to the sink" she explained, pointing at them.
Castiel looked down a little in embarrassment of eating with his hands and set the burger down and picked up a fork.

Sam nodded and got out two plates for them.
JJ chuckled. "No, dearheart, you don't have to do that. this is just how I've always eaten burgers." he tried to soothe, smiling at him.

Krystal smiled, setting everything on the table, cleaning with a flick of her wrist, and getting the syrups and silverware. "there's maple or blueberry."
Castiel hesitated a moment before nodding and continuing to eat the way he had been.

Sam smiled. "Blueberry sounds good." He said as he began to dig into the food.
JJ smiled at him, taking a bite of his burger. "Don't worry Dearheart. you're fine."

Krystal smiled softly. "I prefer blueberry syrup myself too. Maple is good, but I have a bit of a sweet tooth, seeing as a fae I can pretty much eat anything and not worry about getting fat." She admitted, chuckling a little. She gave him a light kiss before So.. I was thinking I would show you where I grew up today. how would you like that?"
JJ smiled. "When we finish here, we could got to the art store.. if you want.." he offrred, smiling as he took a sip of champagne.

Krystal grinned. "Awesome. we'll go after breakfast. You'll love it, I promise!!"
Castiel finished his food and nodded. "I'm finished." He said simply as he wiped his hands and mouth with a napkin.

Sam chuckled and tried a bit, making a bit of a face. "Not exactly my taste." He said with a chuckle.
JJ smiled. "Ready to go then, dearheart?" He asked, squeezing his hand as he paid for the dinner with his credit card.

Krystal chuckled. "Well, I like it. I think later I might have some pickles and icecream. Softserve vanilla and claussens.. mmm" She muttered, eating a piece of her pancake. She has always had weird tastes, and has nonidea that that is a typical pregnant woman food.
JJ smiled, retrieving Castiel's trenchcoat and helping him get it on before putting on his own. He found them.a secluded spot and popped away, landing right in the art store. He walked over to the paint section. Ah, Cas, I love the waybthis store smells!!" He announced, having no clue his ex was just around the corner.

Dmitri Krushnic had to stop what he was doing a momentbwhen he heard that all to familar voice. He turned, hoping to find the tall man with messy blue hair alone, but froze when he saw him kissing a nan that was not him, walking over. "JJ?" Dmitri asked, tappingbthe man on the shoulder and watching his eyes become as wide as saucers.

"Dimka? What.. are you... doing here?" He stammered, looking oh so lost at the ideabof bumping intobthe only ex he had been so close to marrying the other man still wore their promise ring.

Krystal tilted her head, looking at him as she ate. "Did I say something odd? You look worried, Sammy." She muttered, concern laced in her pretty features.
Castiel smiled as JJ exclaimed his love for the smell of the store then blushed as he was kissed before he looked between the two confused. "JJ? Who is this?"

Sam shook his head. "It's nothing, just a bit of an odd combination of foods."
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