Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

JJ smiles, his freehand stroking Castiel's cheek. "I know, but it meant the world to me. If I had seen him again before finding you, I may have ended back in his arms, waiting for the day he hurts me again. You saved me." he replied softly, kissing him lovingly in thanks.

Krystal let out a little squeak at the pinch to the butt, but she giggled anyway, swinging to a closer bar to him. "See, told you you could do it, sammy dearheart."
JJ hugged him back, breathing in the angels scent. He was finally at peace.

Dean pokes his head into the room, looking concerned. JJ looks at him. "I'm better now, Dean. don't worry." He promised, and Dean smiled, setting some breskfast on the nearby table.

Krystal grinned at him playfully. "See, I told you."
Dean smiled at them both. "Of course Cas. I wasn't sure how JJ would be, so I made breakfast. But i'm glad to hear Bro is better. I was worried. I wonder how Sammy and his mom are doing?" He asked curiously, taking a sip of the coffee he'd made appear. He was slowly getting accustomed to his powers.

Here JJ chuckled. "Mom's stupidly in love with your brother, Dean. He's her true mate. they're probably being utterly romantic or staying in bed all day." He muttered sipping the tea dean had made for him.

Krystal smiled, swinging around to kiss his cheek too. "I love you, you know. so very very much."
Castiel nodded silently.

Sam blushed a little and smiled. "I love you too Krystal." he murmured and swung to another trapeze before landing on the platform to get down.
Dean smiled. "Well, as long as they're happy. Sammy needs someone. anytime he gets with a girl, they die... Your mom is pretty much unkillable. She's good for him." JJ just nodded in agreement.

Krystal grinned back at him, jumping off her trapeze and onto the net, then onto the ground. "That was nice." She mused as she stretched a bit, and in her tight leotard, you would be able to notice the slight poking out of her stomach that hadn't yesterday before they made love.
JJ smiled, relaxing as Dean went to bring in more food.

Krystal's confused face mirrored her lovers "Absolutely fine. Why do you ask my heart?" she replied softly, tilting her whole body in a stretch as she looked at him.
JJ sipped his tea slowly, watching his lover from the corner of his eye. He let out a soft breath. "What are you thinking about love?" he asked curiously, smiling softly in reassurance. He wanted castiel to know he could come to him with anything. They are soulmates after all.

Krystal looked at him, "bloated?" She asked, eyes looking curious before she looked just short of horrified. "Its nothing you said. I need to check something.. I'll be right back!" She promised quickly giving him a kiss before disappearing into her private bathroom. She locked the door, pulling out pregnancy tests. After taking 5, she let out another horrified sound. "He's gonna be so angry with me... the pill.. it didn't work..." She mumbled softly, looking kind of broken. Sam would be able feel the emotions from his side of the bond, they were so strong.
Castiel looked down shyly. "I just... never imagined I would get married..."

Sam looked at her worried as she ran off then as he was battered with her horrified and fearful emotions he knocked on the door worriedly. "Krystal? What's going on? Are you ok?"
JJ tilted his head. "No? There isn't some kind of ceremony for when you find your grace mate?" He asked, looking genuinely curious to learn about his lover.

Krystal let out a soft wimper before she unlocked the door, coming out of the bathroom. She held a pregnancy test behind her back. "Its okay.. I'm alright, promise.. but.. You're gonna be mad.." she muttered, looking and feeling so guilty despite it not being her fault. She hadn't planned to get pregnant. She knew he wanted to wait. She flushed, handing him the test she'd been hiding behind her back. "The pill didn't work.."
Castiel shook his head. "We generally do not marry our grace mates, they are simply ideal vessels."

Sam looked at her gently. "I couldn't be mad at you..." His eyes then widened as she said that and he saw the test. He stared, wide eyed for a moment before tears came to her eyes. "How could I be mad...?" He asked and suddenly hugged her tightly. "I still don't think I'm ready to be a good dad... but we have a child... We created life... How could I be mad?" He asked as he kissed all over her face. "I love you Krystal... I love you so much..."
JJ tilted his head. "Even if your grace mate loves you?" He questioned, simply curious. Being and angel sounded quite lonely to him.

Krystal looked up at him, her blue eyes wide, fearful. She had no clue how he was going to react to her news. Her posture was small as she looked up at her moose of a boyfriend, waiting almost to be told that her fears were correct and he didn't want this.. Didn't want her. When she was pulled into a hug, she slumped into his arms. "Really, Sammy?" She asked, eyes wide again as she looked at him, but there wasn't pain or worry there anymore. Just utter awe. She clinged to him. "I love you too, Sammy. From the moon and back and for as long as the world turns my heart." She muttered softly, turning his head to kiss him properly on the lips.
Castiel shrugged. "I haven't heard of such incident before."

Sam hugged her tight against him and kissed all over her face for a moment before looking into her eyes adoringly. "Krystal..." He then thought of something and knelt down, taking her hand and making a ring appear in a box in his hand and held it up to her. "I don't want our child to go a day without it's parents together. And I want to be with you Krystal, for eternity... so..." He opened the box to reveal her ring. "Will you marry me?"
JJ nodded. "Guess there's a first time for everything.."

Krystal sighed happily at all the kisses to her face, eyes closing. She was relaxed now that she knew he wouldn't leave. Her eyes opened at hearing him call her name. "Yes, my heart?" She asked, looking curiously at him, mouth agape as she watched him kneel down. She was pleased he was getting the hang of his powers, but what mattered to her right now was just him. "Sammy.. My love.. my light.. my heart.. Yes! Yes i'll marry you!"
JJ sipped his tea, eating the wonderful pancakes Dean had made as he came in with his own food. "Cas, go out on a date with me tonight?" He asked, blushing, and JJ just grinned at him. He knew what the elder winchester had planned.

Krystal melted into the kiss, running a hand through his shaggy brown locks. "Should we tell your brother then now, my heart?" she asked with curious eyes, snuggling into him.
Dean grins. "Perfect. 8'ocock on the nose sweetheart." He replied, JJ motioning for the man to look in his closet for a suit he liked. Dean smiled at nodded at him in a way that said "Later, blue."

Krystal grinned. "Lets go tell them now!!" She exclaimed, all giddy with excitement over the whole thing now that she knew that Sam wasn't gonna leave her. Now she wanted to tell the world that she's Sam winchester's bride!
Castiel nodded softly. "Alright..." He then stood. "I should go and check on things in heaven. I will be back in time."

Sam chuckled and nodded. "Sure." He said, holding her hands.
Dean and JJ nodded, but it was JJ who spoke. "Alright angel. Take your time."

Krystal grinned, popping them to where Dean and JJ were sitting eating breakfast. Time worked differently on the moon.

Dean raised an eyebrow at his brother and Krystal who was back in a blue cocktail dress. "Whats up sammy? That was a long ass date. 3 days man!" But you could tell he was just teasing.
Castiel left to check on things in heaven.

Sam rolled his eyes at Dean but was smiling like an idiot. "Well, two things are up. One, we're getting married."
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? Not for nothing Sammy, but isn't that a little fast?" He asked, though he didn't look like he was really worried.

JJ beamed. "Really!? That's great! I'm happy for you both!" Krystal just smiled back at him hugging sam close.

Dean raised his eyebrow again. "So, What's number two?"
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