Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Castiel stretched a bit. "I suppose we have observed the bees for long enough. Shall we head back?"

Sam smiled and fingered and played with her clit harder and faster. "Cum for me Krystal, I want you to feel amazing..."
Dean and JJ smiled. "If that's what you want, angel." JJ replied softly, kissing his cheek.

Krystal moaned loudly. She was so close, and at his words, she was thrown over the edge. "Yes.. my heart.. my eternity.. ahh.. i'm cumming!" she wailed, weiting in pleasure.
Castiel blushed a little and nodded, standing up.

Sam smiled and continued his ministrations to draw out her orgasm then slowed to a stop, kissing her pussy gently before pulling his fingers out slowly. "How was that my love...?" He murmured softly.
Dean and JJ stood too, JJ cleaning things up with a flick of his wrist. "okay, lets go then." Dean replied, smiling.

Krystal let out loud, pleasured moans as she came, gripping the sheets. She let out a loud breath as he came up. "That.. was amazing."
Castiel nodded and placed his fingers on both JJ and Dean's foreheads and zapped them back to the apartment.

Sam smiled and kissed her gently. "I'm glad..." He murmured.
JJ let out a soft chuckle as he landed back in the apartment. "I could have done that, angel." he muttered, flopping down onto the couch. He ran a hand through his shaggy blue hair. "Angel.. Can I paint you?"

Krystal kissed him back lovingly. "Should we go further? You deserve attention to my heart."
Castiel raised a confused eyebrow. "Paint me? What for?" He asked curiously.

Sam blushed a little and smiled at her, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Only if you want..."
JJ smiled softly, nervously. "Its just.. you gave me a spark of renewed creativity.. and I'd love to put your likeness on a canvas.. paint you an homage of how much I love you" he muttered softly, twiddling his thumbs, nervously awaiting an answer.

Krystal smiled softly. "I definitely want to Sam. Maybe... we could even go all the way.. If you want to, that is." she lowly muttered, looking meek.
Castiel blushed a little at the words and he looked down a little, nodding nervously. "A-Alright..."

Sam's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed brightly before kissing her deeply yet lovingly. "That would make me so happy Krystal..."
JJ grinned excitedly. "Brilliant! Just follow me into the studio. Dean? Do you want to paint also?"

Dean shook his head. "Nah, thats okay Blue. i'll just go play some video games while you two bond a bit." he replied, smiling.

Krystal kissed him back. "Then you will have me tonight my heart. All of me." she murmured against his lips, running a hand down his torso.
Castiel blushed a little and nodded, following JJ to the studio.

Sam sighed happily in the kiss and continued to kiss her as she slid her hands over his body.
Dean went to the game room where he picked up the new resident evil and started playing it.

JJ lead him into his studio, which was full of paintings of all sizes, but there was an artistic nude hanging onnthe wall of JJ himself he blushed. "My ex painted that... Its one of his better works." He explained, disappearing only a moment before he came back with a necklace. "for you.. so.. everyone knows.. you're mine" he muttered, blushing as he held it out.

Krystal ran her hands all over his body, breaking the kiss only long enough to start kissing down his jaw, her hands fastening a small leather chained dragong pendent to his neck. It was another claim.
Castiel's eyes widened in surprise at the nude painting and he frowned a little before blushing brightly as he was given the necklace, putting it on awkwardly.

Sam blinked in surprise and held the necklace to look at it. "What's this?" He asked curiously.
JJ sighed, picking up a canvas and setting it on his easel before smiling at Castiel. "Its a claim. Now whenever someone supernatural or not cross paths with you, they'll know you're mine." He explained, not wanting to elaborate on the nude painting on the wall. It was still to painful to remember.

Krystal smiled softly, looking up at him. She blushed a little. "Its a claiming necklace. In fae culture, it is costomary to give your significant other a necklace to warn off any other fae. Be their intensions romantic or otherwise." She explained, pressing small kisses to his chest.
Castiel looked down at the necklace blushing and nodded. "I-I... I see..."

Sam shivered a little at her kisses and blushed brightly. "I... I see... I should get you one then..." He murmured.
JJ smiled softly. "Have to make sure no other fae try to court you, Inima mea. Well, except Dean." He replied, Starting to draw the blushing angel on the canvas with a soft pencil.

Krystal smiled softly. "If you want to my heart. You are a new fae, thus you are not bound to our customs." She explained, Reaching back up to peck his lips lovingly.
JJ smiled up at him, capturing the soft lines of his face with the pencil. "Make yourself comfortable in that chair there, inima mea."

Krystal smiled up at Sam. "If you want to my heart. I will be yours irregardless of wearing a claim necklace or not." she replied, snuggling him for a few moments before starting to kiss down his body again.
Castiel nodded and sat stiffly.

Sam sighed in comfort and nodded, rolling off of her to lay on the bed beside her. "I don't want others to get the idea your available." He said, smiling a little at her.
JJ rolled his eyes. "Angel, that does not look comfortable. Relax." He coaxed, smiling at him.

Krystal smiled at him. "As you wish my love. as you wish." she replied, hopping on top of him. She shrirked a little as she Kissed him, playing with his pants and taking them off with his boxers. "Want to cum first.. or would you rather cum inside?" she asked, blushing slightly though she smirked.
Castiel hesitated before crossing one leg over the other and leaning back against the back of the chair.

Sam sighed in pleasure as she kissed him then he blinked in surprise and stammered. "I-I wouldn't want to get you pregnant so soon..."
JJ smiled, continuing to to draw him. He letnout a happy sigh. "That is at least slightly better angel." he muttered, getting his brush ready.

Krys smiled softly. "I wouldn't mind... Carrying your child would make me really happy.." she replied just above a whisper before adding. "But I would understand if you're not ready.."
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