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The Either/Or Game

PS3-- I have both and like the PS3 exclusives better.

Eidetic memory or Read people's minds
Memory - it's like a shlong: take it out and use it once in awhile and it'll be there for you forever.

Spaghetti with sausage, mushrooms and peppers, or liver with onions and broccoli?

((Y'all don't barf all over your keyboards!))
Monopoly. The easiest way to lose friends.

Sitting through a Hostel and Saw Marathon (that means EVERY SINGLE MOVIE) or the Second Human Centipede.
(Or an alternative For you bronies) Sitting through the Cupcakes Fanfic, or the My Little Dashie fanfic.
XXtraPrince said:

Top or bottom?


Drummer or Lead Guitarist
Future, I want flying cars and super humans dammit.

Super Strength or Invulnerability?
Top Bottom