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The Either/Or Game

One good orgasm every week. I could totally game this by making myself climax on Monday and then spend the rest of the week with infinite sexual stamina able to please all my FWBs 😏

A good RP with a partner that respects your limits and availability, but whose writing skill is at about a 4/10,
An incredible RP with a partner whose writing skill is a solid 10/10, but they pester you about things you've stated were limits OoC (though they don't act on it in RP), and immediately DM you if you've taken more than 24 hours to respond since their last post?
The former. Respect is everything. I don't care how good you are IC if you're annoying as fuck OOC; I'd lose my shit being bothered every 24 hours on the dot. Hell to the nah.

Never ingest caffeine again (beverages, tablets, Five-Hour Energy, ANYTHING with caffeine in it)
Never ingest sugar again (cookies, breads, Red Bull's, ANYTHING containing sugar)
Never have caffeine. I can live with just herbal or fruit tea if I must. And other drinks suit me fine. I refuse to give up cookies or baked goods.

Fashionable or functional?
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