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The Either/Or Game

Beaches. I get so much snow by accident (of location) that I'm surely not looking for any on purpose!

Boating to water-ski, boating to fish, or just boating to get away from it all (and everybody!)?
All three! Love the water. Could easily spend a lazy, sunny day out on the boat...with someone special (and sexy!)

Movies: A romantic comedy? or an Action flick?
Ohh...I love fried okra but have never tried them with Tabasco. (will have to soon!)

Falling asleep wrapped up and tangled up in your lovers arms/legs? Or, rolling over onto your other side and facing the opposite wall?
I actually like "do-wop" music. :p


Piercings or tattoos?
I'll say lead sled (as green is NOT one of my favorite

Tequila? or Rum?
Silver - who can afford gold in today's market?

You and your family are planning an extended road trip, and y'all decide to rent a car and let someone else worry about the wear and tear. Station Wagon or Sport-utility Vehicle?
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