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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

He laughed, setting his drink down with a chuckle. "Really? Because you seem pretty open to it." He smirked, pointing to the ceiling above the sacks in the corner, a large grate leaving it very open to looks from above.
She looks over and frowns. Blushing as she looks down trying to hide the blush as she works
He growled. "You're lucky he's collared you." He grunted, walking behind the lizardboy and roughly bending him over. "I'm not allowed to treat you roughly like this."
She makes a face and looks at him and the cabin boy. "You treat me roughly, you are just a kitten compared to the captain." She says flatly
He growled, roughly thrusting into the cabin boy's ass.

"I h-hate to bother you maam..." the poor lizard groaned. "But could you harass him a little less?"
She tenses. Frowning as she watches. "Leave him be." She says standing standing past the other man. "Now."
He chuckled, thrusting smoothly. "Just because I can't fuck you doesn't mean I take your orders."
She frowns looking at him. Gripping the small knife in her hand hard as she just watches.
She blushes and frowns. The other man standing too close to her as she pulls away from him. She tried to think of how to help.
The male soon groaned, cum dripping out around his cock as he came, sliding out of the lizard, walking up back to deck. "I'm fine, just gimme a sec." The cabin boy panted.
She frowns the men walking past her as she looks back to the cabin boy. "I'm sorry.' She says frowning as she tries to help
She frowns. "But I edged him on... it was my fault he was so rough..." She say looking down
She frowns and sits back down her face was sore still from the fight the day or two before. Her bruise still slightly on her face as she touches it while she works.
He gets her some ice from the fridge. "Looks like that hurt. You should tell the captain if anybody is that rough."
She shakes her head. "Its from when we were attacked. It doesn't hurt much anymore..." She says softly.
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