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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

"Reptiles have them. Don't worry, I can just use the lower one if you don't like anal." He smiled.
He gently slid his lower cock inside, the other rubbing against his clit as it slid over her belly. "Lucky for you, I'm around if anybody wants anal." He smiled.
She moans and tenses. Her eyes closed as she shifts and blushes deeply. "I... I shouldn't this... I'm his..." She whispers
She shakes her head. Whimpering as she moans. 'No he said I'm his... the collar...' She says suddenly trying to get him away
He pauses. "Oh that? It just means they're not to force themselves on you dear, like they can with me. They have to ask nicely."
She moans and shakes her head. "It.... feels good...but the Captain does it better.. " She moans out
She lays there panting and blushing deeply. Shaking as she sighs deeply. "Its.... okay..."
"I guess you like your men bigger huh?" He teased, gently licking her smooth stomach clean.
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