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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

He smiled, handing her a small knife and walking with her to a large pile of potatoes. "So, you just got here right? How do you like life on the water?"
She takes it and sits as she starts peeling. She shrugs. "Its alright.." She says weakly as she works
"Still getting used to the rough part huh?" He chuckled. "You'll come to like it eventually."
"You're pretty quick." He smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll come to like it, but I know how it is when you're new."
"No you dont." I say rubbing at my collar. Frowning as I continue to peel. "You have no idea what I'm going through.'
"Sweetheart what do you think a cabin boy is for? A lot of people thinks girls are bad luck on ship. I've been here since the captain was a first mate, and the old captain didn't want women on the ship." He chuckled. "So, somebody has to deal with the crew's needs and the cabin boy is the lowest position on the ship..."
She frowns deeply and shifts uncomfortably. "You..." She stammers before blushing and frowning more. "Cant you just tell them not to?"
She makes a face and keeps working. "He made me go outside with him.... mounted on him...." She murmurs
"Oh yeah, I've spent whole days being railed into the mast." He shrugged. "Not really a big deal when you get used to it?"
He gently caressed her hips, smiling. "See, the first thing you have to do is relax, take a few deep breaths."
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