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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

"You were naked on deck, everybody's already seen it, nobody cares. During summer nobody bothers with clothes."
He smiled, smoothly scaled tail rubbing between her legs. "Relax and feel the pleasure. Don't think about what's happening, only how it feels."
He smiled, slowly pushing his tail into her. "Feel how nicely that rubs you inside?" He asked.
"Feel this spot here?" He asked, pressing against her g-spot. "Learn it well, a subtle lean during fucking can add more pressure to it."
She gasps and tenses. Whimpering as she feels the pleasure move over her body. "O...okay..' She stammers
"I'm asking if you want me to fuck you. The rest of the crew won't, but I have a little bit of manners."
He smiled, showing her a slit between his legs, from where a pair of cocks slid, each only eight inches, with a ring of soft spines around the head of each slick red length.
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