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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

She moans and shakes her head. Pushing at him as she tries to stop him. "No please dont!" She begs.
"You need to learn to accept your pleasure my pet. Even if others know about it." He walked to the door, still rocking her on his hips.
He bounced her faster on his length, walking outside. "Hush now, you'll only draw more attention"
She moans and gasps. Shaking as she squeezes his arms and whines. Her body tensing as the cold ocean air hits her body
His crew seemed fairly indifferent to having her mounted on his cock as he went around checking on the ship.
She moans her face in his chest as she treambles and tries not to be too loud. Her body shaking as she is moved about by his walking.
She would recieve a few greetings as people passed, welcoming her to the ship, but no mention of her current impalement. "See? They couldn't care less what I do with you."
She moans and whimpers. Looking up at him as she gasps and whines. "" She whimpers.
He chuckled, bracing her back against the mast to thrust faster. "And not one person here cares if you do."
She moans and treambles. Whining and gasping as her body treambles before she is soon pushed over the edge.
He grunted, knotting firmly and filling her again. "Isn't it nice to get some fresh air my pet?"
"Would you like to spend today helping out the crew darling? The galley boy could use a hand." He smiled, nipping her neck gently.
She moans and whimpers. Looking at him as she sighs deeply. "O..okay...' She stammers as she squirms. "I nee....need clothes."
"Yes." He smiled, taking them back to his room, showing her that some new clothes had been added to her wardrobe.
She looks to him and pouts. Still connected as she lays there on him. "Next...time you do that... atleast let me...wear a jacket... I'm freezing....'
He chuckled, sliding slowly out of her. "I'll get you some warmer clothing next time we make port." He smiled, getting out a shirt and pants for her. "Don't worry, most of the way to the galley is belowdecks."
She treambles and frowns. Standing on shaky legs as she begins to pull on clothes quietly. Frowning in silence.
There came a knock on the door, an 18 year old brown scaled lizardboy waiting for her out on deck. "Hello miss, I'm Niss, the cabin boy."
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