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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

"Then you better tell me what's sensetive before I start looking." He growled lustfully, teasingly nibbling her ear.
She sighs. "I like when you kiss my neck... it feels good..." She pouts. "When you just touch it too... I dont know why... and my thighs...' She grumbles
He ran his tongue down her chest, teasingly licking her inner thighs, fingers caressing her legs.
He forces he spread again. "Enough, I am tiring of this. We both know this makes you feel pleasure."
She pouts and hides her face. "Becsuse I'm embarrassed you will leave marks they will be able to see."
He slides easily into her, pressing against her sensetive inner walls. "Hmm, and why should I do what you say?"
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