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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

She blushes as he suddenly begins to lick off the cum. She looks away and sighs. "Shush..."
"Well, I can put both in you." He chuckled, helping her dress. "Come on, we still have to make dinner."
She makes a face and shakes her head. "No..." She says putting the last of her clothes on
She sighs and shifts. "Not all. Some are taught only to do this if you wish to have a child."
"Well that's just, silly!" He chuckled. "Why would you avoid something that feels so good?"
She blushes. "Because... you will be looked at oddly if people found out you enjoyed it so."
"Hello sirs." The reptilian male smiles, walking back into the kitchen, returning with mugs of grog for them.
She would notice a Tigerman looking her over. "Well hello there, you must be the captain's new pet."
He smirked, a hand caressing her side. "You're quite a beautiful one." He chuckled. "Though anything's better than more tailhole." He snickered, the lizardboy sticking his tongue out.
She shifts and pulls away frowning. Continuing to work as she looks down at the potatoes and other things. Blushing as she keeps silent.
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