Tag: Mack
Dr. Danvers turned the laptop, and Jinx was stunned. There it was, on the screen, everything she had said. Fear struck her like lightening. ‘What if this gets into the wrong hands?’ Before she could begin to read the words to confirm what she already thought to be, Dr. Danvers told her she did not write their names. Jinx breathed a sigh of relief.
“How,” she said, smiling from ear to ear. “You want to know how? That’s not a simple question to answer. The body is such a complicated machine. It lives, breathes, makes blood, and works with muscles and nerves to do what our brains tell it to do. I’ve always thought that a different part of my brain was able to tell my body to do things that other’s couldn’t do.” She turned her attention a cup sitting on the tray. Again, she flashed a broad smile. “See that cup? I look at it, and I see molecules. The longer I look at it, the more I see them. They break apart into tiny pieces that are so close together I can see the cup, but I can see each individual one. Now as I look at it I simply want the molecules to move, and, “ the cup rose slowly into the air. “they do. That’s all there is to it. No big secret. No fancy magic tricks. It’s just a different part of my brain that works that doesn’t work for most people. Some people are born with brown eyes. Some are born with blue eyes,” she pointed to her own. “Genetics makes up a lot of what we are born with. Some of hit the gentic jackpot and are gorgeous, like you. Others have to work at it. I guess, in a sense, I won the jackpot with my gift. My family bloodline goes back for centuries. I am a product of that. Is it good? Is it bad? Depends on which day you ask me,” she teases. “Today? Not so good, but there was a time I was happy with my gift, and I couldn’t wait to take over the coven.”
She relaxed, taking a deep breath, pausing, thinking about the coven, and wondering where they were now. “If they knew I was here, they would destroy this place to rescue me. I don’t guess about that Dr. Da….Mack. I know it. It’s a fact. So keeping this place away from them helps this place too. You ask a lot of questions, and I don’t mind answering them.” Lacing her fingers together, she remembers the floating cup and laughs. “Sorry.” Slowly it lowers, but it takes far more concentration on her part than it did before. “Yes, we take tests. These tests are designed to prove that we’ve learned control. For elementals, like me, it’s an important test. If you don’t control your power, it will control you. An uncontrolled power can lead to chaos. Among that chaos, can be….death. We’re not out to hurt anyone. When you went to school you learned what was expected you, without the intent of harming anyone. We are no different. Some of these tests will show who is the strongest as well. It’s not a competition, and we don’t look at it as such. We take it for what it is, a test to show us where we stand. Small magic,” she mused. “Yes, we can all perform small magic. Spell casting is easy. We simply wish for something, say it, intend it, that’s the most important part, and it happens. For example,” she leaned forward and placed her finger on the edge of the cup. “Let the object of my intent become a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen.” The cup vanished. “Return.” With the blink of an eye, it was back. “I unlocked my cell with the words lock unlock. I could have walked out of here, but I didn’t. Then again, I imagine escaping this place is not easy. Some of us can control one element. Some two. If you can control three, you’re rare. Controlling all five is almost unheard of. There was one at the coven that I had heard could control all five. I never met her,” she shrugged. There is no hierarchy, per say. The supreme is like the president. She rules alone. There is no cabinet, not staff that she consults. Her word is final. “As to how long we live,” she asked, folding her arms smirking. “Now now Mack. You of all people, being a lady and all, should know you never ask a lady her age. IN this case, it would be how old she lives.”