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Post Your Face!

If you all think you're old, just go to the retirement homes! Then you'll feel younger than ever! Haha just kidding ^^

Btw, anyone here that is above 25 should stop feeling old. DA, especially you. I know you're much older than you look, but you look incredible still, and that's not just some half-assed way of me telling you you're old and you should regret it, no, this is me telling you, straight up with a straight and serious face, that you're gorgeous. Also, I do believe others think so as well.

Grey, from the avatar pic I see, you don't really look any older than 23-28 to me, and that's not old. I may be only 20 (sorry if you feel old from me saying this) but I feel like I'm still 12 and I don't know anything about anything.

Also, my dad is 52, and he has some gray hairs here and there, he even has the face of a well-aged man, and he still gets carded when he buys liquor from the store. You shouldn't feel like you're being treated like a child when they ask you for your ID, it's the law to ask every customer for ID. Don't get discouraged by this.

/end long-winded speech.
My house is mine.... soooo lounging about!!!



Rogue said:
There's a place here in Tacoma that did them for me. owo; My first full set, so I'm still getting used to them.

I could never do that stuff on my right hand. On my left, maybe, on others, maybe. BUT DON'T COUNT ON IT. XDD

I'm guessing they are acrylics? Those take some getting used to. I remember hitting my nails against shit when I first got a set and being like "FUCKFUCKFUCKTHEY'REGONNA--- Oh, they are fine...wutthefuck."
Rogue said:
Yeah. I feel like they're going to break every time I do anything. xDD;
I've already got to get a fill. :/ I got them on the twenty eighth, I think? My nails grow SO FAST.

But, getting a fill is fine with me, because it gives me an excuse to get a pedicure. xD;

I have acrylics right now, purple nail polish. I stopped getting acrylics..about...four years ago on account of me accidently slamming a window on my thumb nail. Cracked the acrylic. not the finger itself, but it still hurt like a fucking bitch. I had to go and get them remove, since its hard to work with them where I work. But Now I have them again, since I wanted to look, in a way, pretty for anime Expo. And Speaking of Anime Expo:


Hair Down.


Hair Up.

And it case anyone asks. The whip was made with nothing more than black rape tape and a stick. Easy peasy-mo-measy.
My My Mr. Master, you're looking awfully good for your age. Good on you.

And Snowpaw, I don't think I've seen anyone write a negative comment about anyone. We're pretty good like that.
ArcturusMagnus said:
How I feel being 23 years old on this site:


Heh...*chuckling* I know how you feel. Moreso, even, since my birthday was last Wed and I'm now twice your age. *looking around* Where'd my cane get to, anyways? :cool:
Too much responsibility for a princess. I'd much rather be some thief or rouge lol. And a puppy??? Hmm.... Nah. I like chocolate. *Hugs* you guys wouldn't kill this cute face would you? Lol
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