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I have the tendency to color coordinate. As you can see that my shirt it black and yellow. Bee bee beee. I had bee wings once for halloween.....but then the dog ripped them to shreads =TTATT=
I like to go for a natural look with my make up most of the time. The I'm wearing make up but I don't look like I'm wearing make up look. But when I'm bored I'll do my make up all crazy... but never when I'm going out. Maybe special occasions.
^^ I so love that movie hahaha. Dolphin safe tuna XD. I look more like Grouch from sesame street when the sun hits my face.
Lmao!! That was actually a good movie, i'd take Elizabeth Hurley as the devil any day.
Yeah really, for me it's more annoying as i am trying to work on small detailing and such, then all the sudden a massive bloom of light blinds me lol
Always confused on the young mentality of age...
Biologically, we are perfect at the age of 30. And that is considered every humans prime age lol.
Seems everyone is aging themselves way too fast though. I know more people at 22-25 that are acting older then myself. And i'm 31, and feel great!
keeping cool
darkangel76 said:
I'm 36 yet people seem to think it's ancient. WTF.

Exactly! i get the same response to my age as well.
I have been actually asked if i have liver spots yet.... really?
Most people believe 25 is old these days. It is a shame.
The hilarity for me is this..... I actually get carded, which for here means I have to look 30 or younger. Most people tend to guess I look in my later 20s. But when I tell them my age it's like..... Oh, you look good for your age. Uhhh... ok. Kind of sounds ehh to me because that comes off like -- Oh, I THOUGHT this, but now that I KNOW this, I feel like you SHOULD NOT get a compliment. Or, if they haven't seen a pic and I tell them, they think I'm some old hag or whatever. It's like seriously.... are you that warped in your perception of age? Are you?
That is just it, people really are so focused on age.
Put it to you this way, my girlfriend works in the beauty business as an Estition, and she finds it is more younger folks coming in for "age" treatments.... She always comes home shaking her head on how an 18 year old is so scared becoming 20, they actually feel they will develop wrinkles then.
I know the feeling, i get carded all the time as well, movies, buying an M rated game. Always have to pull out some form of I.D.
Many times i get mistaken for 18-24. Yet i never knew there was a certain "look" one had for those ages hahah.
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