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Lol if I have to hide in a closet only sustaining myself on milk and chocolate I'll surely gain weight easily -.- no exercise and all

And I'm guessing the other things would probably make me pale in surprise if listed here? Lol. ;p
I've been stolen..? Lol. And I have no problem with pale people. I used to be snow white.
Hahvoc how many cuties have you stolen and are you taking good care of them. I don't want to have to call aps on you XD.
Rave said:
...I remember the day vividly.

It was horrible, I just came to Bluemoon and met her...if only I had known who was truly hiding behind that top hat. She wooed me with sweet words and serenades of love and RO-mance, fluttered her dark, thick eyelashes at me... cruely and utterly she seduced me, bribed me, coaxed me, lured me, WHEEDLED ME INTO THAT....that...horrible, horrible closet of hers.

I barely escaped by growing my finger nails long enough to slice through the ropes, enduring days and days of cruel and unspeakable things. All because of that woman...All because of Hahvy. HAHVOC REQUIEM.


=TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT^TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT= *grabs Rave and hugs tightly* Shhh, shhh, its okay its......not okay. Hahvoc how could you. *gets phone* five mores stories. All I need is five more stories and I'm calling aps....or would it be cps *thinks*
WHAT!?! Rave ish lying. *Hugs Hahvoc* Shh, shh, I didn't know that Rave lied. I DIDN'T KNOW. =T-T=

*pats Hahvie's head.* You need to keep track of the cuties or else they'll gang up on you and do naughty things that you might enjoy, okay.
Rave said:
I...I may be a bit dramatic BUT IT'S ALL TRUE.

Hahvy's a Satan, an archfiend, a rascal hellion/ malignant spirit imp/rascal succubus-villain. But I <3 her.

I forgive you since you put <3 before her. Good job, good job.

Hey Snowpaw....would you come into my closet if I offered you dvds, and mangas......and free home cooked meals. I can bake a mean salmon >X}
Lol perhaps. I feel like I'm about to become a closet creeper lol.

Wait. Manga? I loveyou already ^^
Aw T^T *hugs rook* don't cry!

I have decided to hide... In my own closet! Lol. Nah I'm just going to frolic around blue moon.
I'm dying my hair soon. Should I go back to my brown:

Or my blonde:

Currently it's brown underlayer, with blonde on top. But my paler roots are coming back in -.-
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